Part 92_4 ”PUR in civil engineering – sealing of retaining walls” 2013.02.26 (Part 92_4 PP 2007, animation + p/r, compr.) Copyright notice Unauthorised copying of this presentation as whole or in parts in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permision is prohibited. ready
Deep excavation area 1984-1987 press ready
Sheet-pile-wall – sections ready
Sheet-pile-wall during excavation ready
Sheet-pile-wall – footing Dowels “dangling in the air” ? “false” rock level press Sheet-pile-wall – footing Dowels “dangling in the air” ready
Sheet-pile-wall during excavation ready
Sheet-pile-wall during and after excavation ? Sheet-pile-wall during and after excavation ready
Water ingress and back-fill washed-out ready Gaps between sheet-pile-wall footings and rock surface
Sheet-pile-wall after excavation. Preparation for grouting for sealing ready
Sheet-pile-wall after excavation. Preparation for grouting for sealing (gravel was placed to stop collapsing soil behind the wall causing large sinkhole along heavy traffic loaded Blekholmsgatan) press ready
Cement grouting between sheet-pile-wall footing and rock surface press Cement grouting between sheet-pile-wall footing and rock surface ready
sheet-pale-wall profile missing Drilling for cement grouting at the corner of sheet-pile-walls ready
Cement grouting behind the leaking sections of sheet-pile-walls with pulled-up causing (ascending grouting) ready
Defaults of sheet-pile-wall profiles causing water leakages ready
Sealing of water leakages with polyurethane resin (PUR) ready
Sealing of water leakages with cement grout and polyurethane resin (PUR) press ready
Sealing of water leakages with polyurethane resin (PUR) ready
Post Terminalen Stockholm Klara 1986 Stockholm Waterfront 2010 Bangårdsposten 1950 ready
Thank You for Your attention! THE END Thank You for Your attention! ready
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