(Some helpful reminders on what happens when you cheat) Plagiarism 101 (Some helpful reminders on what happens when you cheat)
Academic Integrity A Note on Academic Integrity & Behavior (excerpted from our class syllabus) We take cheating very seriously in this school. All of the following acts are considered cheating: Cheating on a quiz/test Copying someone else’s work Allowing someone else to copy your work Working with a partner on an individual assignment Plagiarism, i.e. copying from a source into your work and pretending that it is your work or failing to use quotation marks when citing a source If you cheat or plagiarize you will receive a zero (F) on the assignment, your parent/guardian will be notified, and you will receive a Category 2 log. It is much better to get a low score on a quiz or turn in an assignment late for half than to cheat and face all of these consequences.
DO NOT… Copy ANYTHING from the internet or another source. Unless I tell you to use outside resources/references do NOT even look ay anything on the internet. It’s too tempting. Turnitin.com searches the entire Internet for even 3-word matches or similar matches.
DO NOT… Copy anything from another student (in my classes, Mrs. Niedfeldt’s classes, or from another grade). Teachers talk. Turnitin.com stores every paper submitted to every school FOREVER.
DO NOT… Share your Google Document, Word File, hard copy, etc. with another student. Ever. Even your best friend, boyfriend, or advisory classmate can’t be trusted not to steal your work.
Steep Consequences Zero on the assignment (no chance to make it up EVER) Family notified Saturday detention Category 2 log that ALL teachers, deans, and administrators can see for the next 4 years.