Post-Modernism: The Amorphous Literary Movement Time Frame: Post World War II – Present day
Post-Modernism Since we are subjects in this movement, it is therefore difficult to be objective enough to define it. However, there are some characteristics and themes that permeate many of the literary works that follow World War II.
Post-modernism Postmodernism in literature is not an organized movement with leaders or central figures; therefore, it is more difficult to say if it has ended or when it will end (compared to, say, declaring the end of modernism with the death of Joyce or Woolf).
Post-Modernism Started as a reaction to war (WWII and Korean War) in the 1950’s Most say it peaked in the 60’s and 70’s. Some declared the death of Post- Modernism in the 80’s when there was a new surge of realism. Some say it is still going strong. . .
Characteristics of Post-Modernism Man vs. Society Disrespect for human rights Irony Confusion Fear and Paranoia Self-preservation The thin line between sanity and insanity Black/Dark humor
Characteristics of Post-Modernism Fragmentation-playfulness Paradox (contradiction) Questionable narrators No central narrative arc Does not conclude with the neatly tied-up ending Pastiche (combine or paste together multiple elements or genres, imitate or parody)
Famous Post Modern Authors Allen Ginsberg-Poet-Howl-regarded as a founding father of the Beat Movement Paul Auster- author and director blends absurdism, existentialism and crime fiction and a search for identity and personal meaning John Hawkes-novelist Philip Dick-Science Fiction Ken Kesey-novelist-essayist-counter-culture figure-One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
Ken kesey Considered a link between Beat Generation of the 1950s and the hippies of the 60s. Credited with ushering in the era of psychedelic drugs in the 60s. Often wrote under the influence of LSD Influenced by Jack Kerouac’s On The Road