TTC Essay
Plagiarism The following are a set of plagiarism tutorials…please take notes on the important information as you listen. Tutorials
Plagiarism is a serious offense and results in zero tolerance consequences. The lesson is simple, don’t wait until the last minute to get something done and then cheat off of the internet or another students. In the end, you will be caught and you will fail the assignment, not to mention even if you are sharing the paper and not cheating, you are responsible as well. Honor Board.
Pre-Write Due tomorrow when you arrive to class… Choose a topic Have a clear and focus thesis statement for me to check briefly. Topic sentences need to be written Quotes need to be found and already properly cited. When you meet me in the library tomorrow, you should be ready to start your rough draft, not looking for quotes, of course as you start writing, you will need to add information, however this is okay, it is not okay to not be prepared to start writing. Rough draft is due in class on Thursday…no excuses!!!!