13th PREBEM conference - Amsterdam Literature Review of Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-planned Construction Projects JESPER KRANKER LARSEN PH.D. STUDENT 1,0 min.
Introduction & Background Construction industry´s focus on preplanning THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT Construction industry´s focus on preplanning Improved quality, cost and project duration. Advantages and disadvantages by preplanning. Paper aim: review gaps in the literature for study experience with preplanning in construction projects and processes. Relation between preplanning stimulate use of prefabricated construction systems. Obtain finding´s and put it in perspective to gaps. 2 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 1 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
Research method 3 stages search string research method. Input stage: Brainstorming 5 simple keywords. Basic search at web of knowledge. 6 identified keywords 9 basic search strings. Initial search at web of knowledge. 15 identified keywords 14 advanced search strings. Main search on web of knowledge, springerlink elsevier and sciverse. Processing stage: Exclusion (title), inclusion (abstract). Sorted in a, b and c papers. Forward, backward search on a-papers. Output stage: Theme categorize A-papers. Write the themes. THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT 2 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 2 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
Litterature review Cost and scheduling increase: Global challenge 5 continents, 20 nations. Project scope changes increase cost and schedule. Ability to manage scope changes determine the success. Planning and scheduling: Positive impact on effort spend on preplanning and cost performance. Reduce risk and budget 10-15%, improve quality 5-10%. Pre-assembly construction: mixed Pre-assembled components and computer-aided design reduce Time and cost. Stable processes less “fire fighting management”. THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT 1,5 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 3 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
Litterature review Productivity: Productivity calculations at macro level is unreliable. Focus on planning, control and risk improve productivity. Improved productivity by reduced weight, and build ability. Risk planning: Risk tools are a combination of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors. A business culture with a industrial context to manage risk. Technology: No evidence, construction is worse / better than manufacturing to innovate and perform. THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT 1,5 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 4 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
Discussion & Conclusion experience with preplanning in construction projects and processes. Linear positive impact to improve cost and quality, and reduce duration and risk in process. Relation between preplanning stimulate use of prefabricated construction systems. Not found, but advantages by offsite construction by stimulating the preplanning process by less fire fighting management. Obtain finding´s and put it in perspective to gaps. Found relevant results for indicating that preplanning have several advantages to construction projects. THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT 2,0 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 5 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
Further Research Trend analysis of themes such as: THIS IS A DARKBLUE CIRCLE WITH TEXT Trend analysis of themes such as: Planning and scheduling. Cost and scheduling increase. Pre-assembly construction. To find the gap with most impact to improve the Construction process. 1,5 min. 13th prebem conference Amsterdam – 6 OF 6 | march22nd 2013 The Faculty of engineering and Sciences Department for mechanical and manufacturing engineering AALBORG UNIVERSITy
PH.D. STUDENT JESPER KRANKER LARSEN Fibigerstræde 16, room: 4-114 9220Aalborg east, DK phone:(+45) 2112 4764 E-mail: Jkl@m-tech.aau.dk