MSP Foundation & Practitioner A Bluffer’s Guide V1.0 Nick Rickard
Topics Introduction Course Structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Topics Introduction Course Structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Introduction Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) is a useful methodology undermined by a pedantic exam The course is focussed on passing the exams, not the application of MSP to daily work
Introduction - Disclaimer The suggestions listed here got me through… this time MSP course and exam about to be changed (Sep 10) MSP Third Edition (2007) due a revision
Topics Introduction Course structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Structure 5 day course 3 days (inc exam) for Foundation Closed book, 'simple' one mark questions 2 days (inc exam) for Practitioner Open book, 'complex' multiple mark questions Objective, multiple choice assessment testing knowledge (Foundation) and application to a scenario (Practitioner)
Structure - Foundation 40 min, closed book 50 questions, multiple choice Passmark: 60% (30 marks) Paper marked immediately and pass/fail result available straight away
Structure - Practitioner 2 ½ hours, open book (MSP Guide) 9 complex questions, multiple choice Passmark: 50% (90 marks) Papers sent off and results in approx 2 weeks
Structure Evening work Additional reading Consolidate learning Practice exam papers
Topics Introduction Course structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Preparation Read Appendix A of a friend's MSP Guide if available Think about own experience of projects and programmes Particularly how project outputs feed programme outcomes / benefits realisation No particular courses recommended APM experience / vocabulary beneficial
Preparation - Tactics Appendix A of the MSP Guide is the principle source of answers Defines documents, applicability, and responsibilities Read chapters of MSP Guide in parallel with course sessions Reduces the need for evening reading The course is geared around passing the exam Applicability of MSP to the work environment can wait until after you've passed
Preparation - Exam Word association Pedantic Recognise terms like 'responsible', 'accountable' in the question Pedantic Recognise the semantics of question style Read the question very carefully
Preparation - Exam Attempt (Practitioner) questions without the book first Flicking through the book takes time, save it for where it is really needed
Topics Introduction Course structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Feedback Foundation Practitioner Results Instant pass/fail Marks not provided Practitioner Results Usually within two weeks Includes a breakdown of marks per question (for the 9 questions)
Feedback If successful certificate arrives later Special bonus award Implement knowledge
Topics Introduction Course structure Preparation Feedback Summary
Summary Don't fight the pedant Appendix A is your best friend That's the assessment criteria Appendix A is your best friend Document content, applicability and ownership will answer many questions GOOD LUCK!!!
MSP Foundation & Practitioner A Bluffer’s Guide Nick Rickard