Welcome to Book Tasting
On the menu today…. Take 5 minutes to peruse all tables and categories Choose a table/category to have a “tasting” at (i.e. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Sports) Pick three books to “taste”~ read the back of the book/summary, read a couple of pages of first chapter, look up a review online (optional), ask Mrs. O’Toole or Mrs. Jones for suggestions!
Don’t Forget…. You are not limited to these tables/categories: Go to the shelves- fiction or non-fiction (numbers on spines!) You may search the OPAC- Icon on desktop You may go online to search for recommendations- teenreads.com, goodreads.com, barnesandnoble.com Mrs. O’Toole can always borrow books from other schools or purchase a new titles… just ask!
Next on the menu…. Write a short reflection (on sheet) about what you’ve read (sound interesting? what stands out? want to find out more?) Rate the book 1-5 (1 worst, 5 best) Check one book out & grab a book mark Please place books back in assigned categories when you’re finished “Tasting”
Bonus…. If you decide to read a book and take an Accelerated Reader test (score 65 or above?)… You may earn extra credit points for Mrs. Jones class! How do you know if it has an AR Test? Look here: AR BookFinder (icon on desktop)
Any Questions?.... Have fun tasting Coming next marking period: MHS Reading Challenge Contest- prizes, points, reading for fun, and more! Have fun tasting