KÖNYVES Tibor, RELIĆ Renata Assessment of some health status traits of endangered Balkan goat in order to improve in situ conservation program BECSKEI Zsolt, SAVIĆ Mila, PAVLOVIĆ Ivan, IVANOVIĆ Snežana, DIMITRIJEVIĆ Blagoje, GÁSPÁRDY András, KÖNYVES Tibor, RELIĆ Renata
Status of goat production in SRBan 120.000 1954
Some words about the Balkan goat autochtonous – Balkan region transboundry endangered important biodiversity resource well adapted to the local environment favorable in alternative, sustainable, low imput systems
Some words about the Balkan goat Reproduction mostly follows natural cycles, with no use of reproduction technologies (oestrus synchronisation, AI); fully adapted to the local environmental conditions; Primarily used for milk production – in lactation lasting about 210 days with an average milk yield 250 kg; the selection is (will be) directed primarily towards improving the milk production; do not fit well into the intensive, industrialized, high-input production systems
Some words about the Balkan goat Supporting measures are aiming to improve sustainability of their keeping; Ministry of Agriculture has several measures for supporting breeders of autochthonous livestock breeds: direct support per head of animals, support for increasing the herd size, support for adaptation and building of stall-barns and other livestock buildings.
The aim of the research For effective planning of advanced breed characterization and conservation monitoring of some health traits is necessary The most severe health problem in goat production systems are parasitic infections, determination of gastro-intestinal parasites is important for definition of health status The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and extensity of gastro-intestinal parasitisms of Balkan goat populations in hilly mountain regions of Serbia, where the breed is traditionally rared
Material and Methods The prevalence and extensity of gastro-intestinal parasitic infections were assessed in 131 flocks of autochtonous Balkan goat breed. The tested animals originated from 39 villages of hilly mountain region of Serbia (Stara plana, Sjenica and Golija mountains). The study was carried out both on fecal samples and carcasses.
Results and Discussion 16 gastrointestinal parasite species Comparing this results with similar surveys that have been done at mountain areas of Serbia, on Sjeničko-Pešterski Highland, Dimitrovgrad, Tutin and Zlatar mountain and at Prizren District-Kosovo, it can be concluded that dominant nematode species were Ostertagia, Nematodirus and Trichostrongylus
Results and Discussion Smilar results were published in other Balkan countries to, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia or Bulgaria
Results and Discussion Negative influence of parasitic infections are mainly reflected througt weight lost and milk yield decretion It was undoubtedly shown that there is a need to conduct the measures of anthelmintic treatment
Haemonchus concortus – Barberpole worm 88.95% abomasus / blood feeding worm
Trichostrongylus axei and columbiformis 100%
Nematodirus spathinger 100,00%
Results and Discussion host – parasite interaction… modern aproach in parasite management
Conclusion remarks Broader analysis of prevalence of parasitic infections in hilly mountainous areas, where the breed is traditionally rared and is evolutionarily adapted, could significantly contribute to the recent advanced characterization of the breed. It would also provide a good basis for designing breeding programs ensuring good health.
Conclusion remarks One of the possible ways for increasing the sustainability of keeping Balkan goat breed is making chain from autochthonous breeds to autochthonous food products; The importance of conservation of this animal resource is less economical, but mostly cultural, historical and heritage oriented; There is also the aesthetic argument that Balkan goat, with its specific long horns and hair, is an element of nature and landscape protection
Challenges of in situ conservation of endangered Zackel sheep type SAVIĆ-Mila, DIMITRIJEVIĆ-Blagoje, GÁSPÁRDI-András, ZSOLNAI-Attila, BECSKEI-Zsolt
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