What is Title I and How Can I be Involved? Annual Parent Meeting Skiatook Public Schools Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Definition of Title I: Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I is allocated to schools based on the percentage of student receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40% are eligible for a schoolwide program.
All school sites operate a Title I Schoolwide Program.
Schoolwide means: The school uses Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement. Title I funds will be used to provide additional assistance to all students who experience difficulties in meeting the State’s performance targets.
To be a “Schoolwide” School: The school must have a free/reduced lunch count of at least 40%. The school must collect and analyze data that effects student achievement. The school must develop a comprehensive site plan and annually review the effectiveness of the plan.
Title I Schoolwide Program Marrs Elementary Title I Schoolwide Program
Marrs Planning Team:
Summary: Marrs Elementary plans to meet the 10 components outline in the Schoolwide Plan. The schoolwide plan can be accessed at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Marrs-16-17-Schoolwide-Plan-FY15-Format.pdf
Marrs Focus Goals Percentage of Kindergarten students scoring at or above benchmark will increased from 61% to 71% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by NWEA administered in May 2017. Percentage of 1st grade students scoring at or above benchmark will increase from 61% to 71% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by NWEA administered in May 2017.
Marrs Focus Goals (continued) Percentage of Marrs Elementary student’s attendance rate increased from 94% to 95% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by I-SIS attendance report in May 2017. Percentage of Marrs Elementary parents participating in conferences will continue to be 100% at the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by sign-in sheets and teacher documentation.
Focus Goals (continued) The percentage of teachers Embedding Weekly Literacy Activities will be 100% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by documentation included in Curriculum Mapper Diary Maps viewed by building administrators in May 2017.
Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: All teachers will spend a minimum of 90 minutes daily teaching reading and 45 minutes teaching targeted reading intervention. All teachers will continue to implement Literacy First strategies and monitor progress of each student in their room. Students requiring Tier 2 and Tier 3 help will receive 45 minutes of intensive reading interventions.
Marrs Assessment: Students will be assessed using Literacy First and NWEA Growth Assessments.
Title I Schoolwide Program Skiatook Elementary Title I Schoolwide Program
Planning Team:
Summary: Skiatook Elementary plans to meet the 10 components outline in the Schoolwide Plan. The schoolwide plan can be accessed at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SE-16-17-Schoolwide-Plan-FY15-Format.pdf
SE Focus Goals Percentage of second grade students scoring at or above benchmark will be at least 80% by the end of the 2016 - 2017 school year as shown by the NWEA MAP Assessment and the Literacy First Battery Assessment.
SE Focus Goals (continued) The percentage of teachers Embedding Weekly Literacy Activities will be 100% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by documentation included in Curriculum Mapper Diary Maps viewed by building administrators in May 2017.
SE Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: All teachers will continue to spend 120 minutes daily teaching reading. All teachers will continue to implement Literacy First strategies and monitor progress of each student in their room. Students in Tier 3 will meet each day with the teacher and/or the Reading Specialist.
SE Assessment: Students will be assessed using Literacy First and NWEA Growth Assessment.
Skiatook Intermediate Elementary Title I Schoolwide Program
Planning Team:
Summary: Skiatook Intermediate Elementary plans to meet the 10 components outline in the Schoolwide Plan. The schoolwide plan can be accessed at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SIE-16-17-Schoolwide-Plan-FY15-Format.pdf
SIE Focus Goals Percentage of students showing proficiency in third grade math will increase from 65% to 80% by the end of the 2016 - 2017 school year as measured by the OSTP given in April of 2017. Percentage of students showing proficiency in fourth grade math will increase from 68% to 80% by the end of the 2016 - 2017 school year as measured by the OSTP given in April of 2017.
SIE Focus Goals (continued) The percentage of teachers Embedding Weekly Literacy Activities will be 100% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by documentation included in Curriculum Mapper Diary Maps viewed by building administrators in May 2017.
SIE Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: All teachers will continue to spend 120 minutes daily teaching reading. All teachers will continue to implement Literacy First strategies and monitor progress of each student in their room. Students in Tier 3 will meet each day with the teacher and/or the Reading Specialist.
SIE Assessment: Students will be assessed using Literacy First, NWEA Growth Assessment, and OCCT exams.
Newman Middle School’s Title I Schoolwide Program
NMS Planning Team:
NMS Summary: Newman Middle School plans to meet the 10 components outline in the Schoolwide Plan. The schoolwide plan can be accessed at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/NMS-16-17-Schoolwide-Plan-FY15-Format.pdf
NMS Focus Goals Percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in Math will increase 10% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by OCCT administered in April, 2017. Percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in Reading will increase 5% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by OCCT administered in April, 2017.
NMS Focus Goals (Continued) Percentage of classroom disruptions will be reduced by 20% in all subjects by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by Student office referrals. The percentage of teachers Embedding Weekly Literacy Activities will be 100% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by documentation included in Curriculum Mapper Diary Maps viewed by building administrators in May 2017.
NMS Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: The Data Team process will be utilized in ELA, math, 8th grade science, and 8th grade social studies classes during the 2015-16 school year. A part of the Data Team process is the determination of instructional strategies to provide for differentiated areas. NWEA Growth Assessment results play an integral part of the Data Team process. The Data Team reform strategy addresses the needs of low-achieving and at-risk students.
NMS Assessment: Students will be assessed using Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests and NWEA Growth Assessments.
Skiatook High School’s Title I Schoolwide Program
SHS Planning Team:
SHS Summary: Skiatook High School plans to meet the 10 components outline in the Schoolwide Plan. The schoolwide plan can be accessed at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SHS-16-17-Schoolwide-Plan-FY15-Format.pdf
SHS Focus Goals 1) Schoolwide Interventions & Supports: Other – Data Team/Professional Learning Community Process including Response to Intervention (RTI) SMART GOAL: 100% of teachers will participate in Data Teams/PLC’s throughout the 2016-2017 school year in weekly or biweekly meetings. 2) Leadership Interventions & Supports: Research-Based Professional Development for Leaders in Professional Learning Communities SMART GOAL: 100% of Leaders will attend PLC Training in 6 summer or during school year for 2016-2017.
SHS Focus Goals (Continued) 3) Teacher Interventions & Supports: Teacher Collaboration Time to Analyze Student Achievement Data SMART GOAL: Teachers are attending PLC’s/Data Teams on weekly or bi-weekly basis throughout 2016-2017 school year according to sign-in sheets.
SHS Focus Goals (Continued) 4) Classroom Interventions & Supports: Early Warning Indicators identified by Johns Hopkins School of Education SMART GOAL: Appropriate interventions will take place with 95% of students on EWI list as measured by notes from principal, assistant principals; also interventions will included Math RTI, ELA RTI, Character Education outreach, and student lead “Good Deeds” campaign for 2016-2017 school year as evidenced by sign-in sheets for meetings, teacher roster for Study Island, and Math and ELA RTI process.
SHS Focus Goals (Continued) 5) Parent and Community Interventions & Supports: Parenting Classes SMART GOAL: Parent outreach on parent conference nights to educate seniors and parents on completion of the FAFA with a goal for 55% of seniors completing a FAFSA application. Sign-in sheets and FAFSA summer reports as evidence by August 2017. 6) The percentage of teachers Embedding Weekly Literacy Activities will be 100% by the end of the 2016-17 school year as measured by documentation included in Curriculum Mapper Diary Maps viewed by building administrators in May 2017.
SHS Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: The Data Team process will be utilized in all classes during the 2016-17 school year. A part of the Data Team process is the determination of instructional strategies to provide for differentiated areas. NWEA Growth Assessment results play an integral part of the Data Team process. The Data Team reform strategy addresses the needs of low-achieving and at-risk students.
SHS Assessment: Students will be assessed using: 9th Grade: Northwest Evaluation Association Growth Assessments 10th Grade: Oklahoma State Department of Education Oklahoma State Testing Program (OSTP) 10th grade assessments 11th Grade: Junior Day ACT
Title I Parent Notification Requirements
Parent Involvement Policy The Parent Involvement Policy is located on the Skiatook Public Schools website at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SPS-Site-Parental-Involvement-Policy-Marrs.pdf (Provide parents at the meeting a copy and discuss the policy at this time.)
School-Parent Compact The School Parent Compact is located on the Skiatook Public Schools website at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Marrs-Parent-Compact-Updated-2011.pdf (Provide parents at the meeting a copy and discuss at this time.)
Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement The Parent’s Right to Know is located on the Skiatook Public School’s website at: http://www.skiatookschools.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/SPS-Parents-Right-to-Know-2016-17.pdf
Parent’s Right to Know – Non-Highly Qualified Teachers Schools are required to notify parents if their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher that is not highly qualified.
How Can You Be Involved?
Parent Involvement Opportunities Open House, Title I Parent Info meeting, Parent/Teacher Conferences in the Fall and Spring, Fall and Spring Bingo Nights, family reading nights, Veteran’s Day activities, Barn Yard Boogie, Little Olympics, , Mother Day Teas, Kindergarten Grandparent Day, Valentine’s Parties, Christmas Parties, Field Trips, Grade Level Parent Meetings at start of year, Pre-K Feast, Kindergarten Feast.
Parent Involvement in Decision Making Opportunities for parents to be involved in decisions at the school are available. Parents are encouraged to be involved in various committees.
Right to Request Meetings Upon the request of parents, the school must provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school must respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
Contact Information Missy Bush (918)396-1792 x 1105 mbush@skiatookschools.org Director of Federal Programs