Communications and Chapter Resources
Communication is a Two-way Street ASDA Chapters Central Office Central Office has news, resources and more to share…. Members benefit from hearing about what’s going on outside of their school. For communications to be effective, it needs to be a two-way street. The national office communicates news, issues, and resources to the chapters, but the national office needs to hear from the chapters to know what is important at the local level.
National Communications All of ASDA’s communication vehicles are online under the “Publications” link in the utility navigation. There are links to the digital versions of the print publications, e-newsletters, links to our Facebook page, blog, YouTube and more. Information on how students can contribute to the publications and the blog is under the “Get Involved” item on the main menu. Under “Publications” item on the homepage Digital version of the print publications, links to social media sites, e-newsletters, information on how to submit articles and more!
National E-Newsletters Revamped in 2016 Word of Mouth Monthly to all members General association news Includes benefit info and ads The New Leader Monthly to chapter/national leaders and key admin Important deadlines, updates Advocacy Brief Updates on legislation, advocacy ASDA sends out these e-newsletters each month. We revamped both the design and content strategy for these in 2016. The Leader goes only to national and chapter leaders, but Word of Mouth and the Advocacy Brief go to all members. Trustees should make sure that we have contacts for current chapter leaders so they are receiving The New Leader. In 2016, we also added The Polished Predental, which is sent exclusively to predental members.
ASDA Resources & Publications NBDE study materials for Parts 1 and 2 Getting Through Dental School handbook Contour ASDA’s new premier magazine (launch Jan. 2017) 10x/year (combined June/July and Nov/Dec) Digital version online ASDA produces many publications and resources to assist you throughout dental school. All new members receive the Getting Through Dental School handbook in May/June. ASDA’s monthly member magazine, Contour, is published 10/x year and delivers articles and features to keep you current on issues in dentistry. Each month, we also send out two e-newsletters to all members. Members can also purchase reprints of the NBDE Parts 1 and 2 examinations at a discount on our online store.
Digital Copy Features: Search keywords (e.g. licensure, midlevel providers, etc.) View content and advertisers PDF whole issue or single articles Email articles to other students, faculty, friends TIP: share links on chapter/district website or Facebook page! Members can choose to receive publications electronically only or both electronic and print formats by logging into their profile.
Mouthing Off – ASDA’s weekly blog (3x week or more) Fun videos and opinions Association news Themes: Management, Money and Media Mondays, Wellness Wednesday, Residency Week and Life Hacks Week 20,000 visits per month TIP: use RSS feed as a way to generate ongoing, fresh website content. Started Jan 1, 2010 and published at least 3x/week. Currently managed by two electronic editors and a staff member Easy, creative, flexible to write Mentioned in the Washington Post as one of three dentistry blogs worth checking out!
Write for ASDA Contour & Mouthing Off ASDA is always looking for student authors for the print publications and the blog, and we also welcome photo submissions. There is a form online to fill out if you are interested along with writing tips.
Social Media Facebook YouTube Instagram Flickr Twitter Snapchat Now have three Facebook pages – a general ASDA page, predental ASDA page and a page for international students and dentists. Increased usage of Instagram and followers increased from 1,308 in 2015 to 8,600 in early 2017 due to contests for events and new campaigns (externs). All national meeting photos are posted on Flickr. Have also increased usage of Twitter to post and share news. Continue to create new videos each year for YouTube.
ASDA Engage Engage is a grassroots advocacy tool that allows ASDA members to connect with their federal and state lawmakers. With Engage, ASDA members can: Connect with your lawmakers: Action alerts are sent to ASDA members with a pre-drafted (form) letter that can be edited by the member or used as is. Members use their respective zip code to establish their audience. Once the member has finished their letter, it is submitted electronically to their state or federal lawmaker. Track important legislation: Engage features a bill tracking function that allows users to follow pertinent bills through the legislative process. This includes a summary of the bill, information on its sponsor(s), ASDA’s position and current status. A critical part of advocacy is understanding the process. Knowing where a bill is headed and who will decide its fate helps ASDA focus its advocacy efforts while keeping members informed. Follow current events: Engage also includes a customized newsfeed, tailored specifically to dental students and organized dentistry. The newsfeed filters national and local news outlets and provides continuously updated articles, based on criteria defined by ASDA.
ASDA Website – Login to Member Portal ASDA’s website has a wealth of information on student issues, benefit information, events, awards, chapter resources and much more. The newly redesigned website launched in April 2017 and features a brighter, more modern look, reorganized navigation and a more intuitive search.
My ASDA Update your profile and communications preferences Find your ASDA/ADA membership number Print proof of membership letter Apply for leadership positions Purchase and download products from online store Once you login to your account on the ASDA website, click on My ASDA in the green box at the top of the page. My ASDA is where members can view their profile, make purchases, update their email preferences and more, including the items listed on the slide.
Chapter Resources Under “Get Involved” Toolbox full of recruitment ideas, financial information, communications, templates and more ASDA created a website just for chapter leaders. This site can be accessed under the “Get Involved” tab and includes numerous resources and templates for chapters to use and download.
Online Chapter Resources Leadership Toolbox Chapter Handbook, position descriptions Membership Recruitment Incentives and recruitment videos Financial and Legal Documents Governance documents and tax information Chapter Presentations Orientation and predental events Communications Tools and Logos How-to Guides On the right side of the home page is a reminder to update contact information for members and chapter leaders. There is also a News box which will include reminders of important deadlines coming up and highlight new resources available. The site is broken down into 6 separate pages which includes the Leadership Toolbox, Membership Recruitment materials, Chapter Finances and Legal Issues, sample Presentations, Communications, and how-to guides. The Leadership Toolbox page includes tools to help chapters run more effectively. This page includes: Chapter Handbook and How-To Guides sample position descriptions Scrubs fundraiser how-to’s for organizing state lobby days, ADPAC drives and other legislative activities the national ASDA organizational structure contact information for the EC and staff
How-To Guides Developed by councils for chapters Guides for running a chapter, leadership resources, events and communications Includes tips and best practices ASDA councils have developed numerous how-to guides over the years based on requests from chapters for specific resources. These guides compile best practices from chapters and provide samples/templates to follow. The councils review and update these annually.
ASDA Logo & Brand Templates ASDA logo for print & web Letterhead Banner PowerPoint Gold Crown logo Engage logo Chapters can download files for ASDA’s logos and use them for banners, websites, printed materials, emails, etc. Guidelines for use the logo is available on this site.
Chapter Portal Upload and pay for members Group registration for events Change chapter officers Email members Update members’ contact information Download membership roster View chapter info (tax ID #) Students who are designated as leaders in ASDA’s database can access the Chapter Portal from the My ASDA page once they login to their account. This portal can be used to upload new members, update contact information for existing members, pay for members, register members for national events, download a member roster, email members and more.
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