Refworks Part I
How can I access Refworks Refworks can be accessed from: The homepage of the Jotello F Soga Library ( Jotello F Soga Library’s “ Virtual Library in your office” ( The complete list of databases of the University of Pretoria (
Where to find Refworks (
Enter your student/ personnel number You must be a registered Library user. If not, please complete a Library registration form and e-mail to: Enter your student/ personnel number ( e.g.12345678 or 01234567) If you have a PIN type it here. If not click on SUBMIT and create a PIN on the next page
Login to Refworks
The group code is : rwunivpretoria For first time users For regular login For off-campus login The group code is : rwunivpretoria
Supply your e-mail address Choose your own Login name (these days they prefer that you use your e-mail as your login name) and Password Click on “Next”
Supply your Name and Surname Select a “Type of User” and “Focus area” Enter the displayed words Click on “Create Account”
Congratulations! You have created your account successfully
Create a New Folder to add your references Cattle diseases Click on New Folder, Name the folder and click on Create
Why RefWorks? RefWorks allows users to create personal databases and use them for a variety of research activities. References are quickly and easily imported from text files, online databases, through RSS feeds or via the web. Users can automatically insert references from their database into their papers and generate formatted bibliographies and manuscripts in instantly. Users can access RefWorks any time, from any web-connected computer running any operating platform. RefWorks incorporates an online style guide within the program. No more hunting through style instructions to find the correct format. Users can upload any type of file -- graphic, video, sound, and more -- to existing references stored in RefWorks databases, and easily retrieve and share them.
Compiling your database CAB Abstracts, Medline, Zoological Record (direct export) Science Direct (direct export) Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide (direct export) Pubmed & UP Catalogue (search from within Refworks) Manually (adding references by hand) Adding websites (RefGrab-It)
CAB Abstracts
Click on the dropdown arrow and select Save to Refworks Do a search on CAB Abstracts and select the references to export
Decide which elements must form part of your database and click on Send
Login to Refworks to export your results into your Refworks folders
Click on View Last Imported Folder to se the list of references
The list of imported references
To add references to a folder select “All in list”, click on the Folder icon and click on the folder name
References have been added to the Cattle diseases folder References have been added to the Cattle diseases folder . Number of references in the folder changed
Science Direct
Do a search on Science Direct and select the references to be exported Click on “Export ”
Click on “Save to Refworks ”
Log on to Refworks
Click on View Last Imported Folder and continue as set out in the CAB Abstracts and Medline slides
Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide
Do a search and select some of the records by clicking on “Add to folder” icon
Once you started adding items the Folder icon will change and a list of the added items will appear in the right hand column
To view the list of selected records click on “Folder” or “Folder view”
Select records to be exported To export the selected results click on Export
1. Select the “Direct Export to Refworks” button 2. Click on “Save”
Log on to Refworks
Click on View Last Imported Folder and continue as set out in the CAB Abstracts and Medline slides
UP Explore (catalogue of UP) & Pubmed
Login to Refworks and click on Search Login to Refworks and click on Search. Select Online Catalogue or Database
In the Search window select University of Pretoria
Click on Advanced search . Select a field and type the keywords. Click on Search
Click on Import to folder. Select the correct folder. Work through the displayed list and mark the references to add to your folder. Click on Import to folder. Select the correct folder.
Click on OK
Click on View Last Imported Folder and continue as set out in the CAB Abstracts and Medline slides
ISAP (Index to South African periodicals)
Type a keyword/s in the Keywords window Remember the Boolean operators Click on Search
Select the records to be used Selected records will appear in the “My action List”
References in the “My action List” can be printed, e-mailed and exported to Refworks Select all the references in the “My action List” and click on “Export selected Items”
Select “Export to Refworks”
Login to Refworks to export your results into your Refworks folders
Click on View Last Imported Folder to see the list of references
Add websites using Ref Grab it
From the Tools tab select RefGrab-It
Click on Install Information
Follow the steps as set out for IE and Firefox
Do a search on Google and select the required website Follow the steps as set out for IE and Firefox. RefGrab-It will appear on your toolbar Do a search on Google and select the required website
Click on RefGrab-It
A summary of the website will be shown. Click on Import to Refworks
Add references manually
Login to Refworks and click on New Reference Manual input Login to Refworks and click on New Reference
Complete this template and click on Save Reference
How to edit a reference in a folder
Click on the Edit icon
Open up the Additional Fields
Edit / change/ add information in the specific fields Remember to SAVE the reference after editing
How to use Refworks to Cite a reference (if Write n Cite is not working)
Cite icon ({ } ) of the reference to be cited Click on the Cite icon ({ } ) of the reference to be cited
A citation will be displayed A citation will be displayed. Copy this text and paste it into the Word document
The Citation has been inserted into the Word document The Citation has been inserted into the Word document. Repeat these steps until all references are inserted into the document. Save the document. Go back to Refworks.
Click on Bibliography and Select Format Document
Select the desired Output Style Select the file you have just saved. Refworks will start processing your document.
How to get a list of your references
Click on References and then select “Export”
Click on References to Include and select the folders to be included
Click on Export Format and select Citation List
Click on Export
All the references in the Animal Diseases folder
Please feel free to contact the library if you have any suggestions or questions