School Governance Council Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council PTA General Meeting September 22, 2015
What is a School Governance Council? Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council What is a School Governance Council? A voting body that sets the strategic direction of the school and manages flexibility. Strategic Overview and Narrative Request for Flexibility (RFF) Seed Fund request
Who serves on a School Governance Council? Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Who serves on a School Governance Council? 1 – Principal (non-voting) 3 – Parents (elected) 2 – Teachers (elected) 2 – School Employees (appointed) 2 – Community Members (nominated) 10 Member Council
Teachers & Administration Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Teachers & Administration Community Members Parents Julie Morris Principal Paige Ledgerwood Chairperson Tom Jennings Parliamentarian Susan Ahmad Vice Chair Richard Boston RFF Point Person Amy Haysman Christa Vogt Bill King Seed Fund Point Person Susan Ahmad- music teacher Christa Vogt- TAG teacher Terri Cox- 3rd grade teacher Cindy Bailey - Curriculum Support Teacher Richard Boston – Anna Rose 2nd grade, Raylynn 4th grade Civil Engineer with a background in transportation design, construction and maintenance. I currently work for the City of Alpharetta in Public Works. Bill King - Kaitlyn - 13 - 8th grade, Lauren - 10 - 5th grade, Alexa - 7 - 2nd grade digital marketing at GE Wife Julie on PTA board Tom Jennings Associate Pastor at Clear Springs Church Amy Haysman Co-Founder of Grounded Kids Yoga Terri Cox Cindy Bailey
Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council
Students will increase ownership and accountability of their learning. Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Long Term Outcomes Students will increase ownership and accountability of their learning. Students will demonstrate an increased use of critical and creative thinking skills across all content areas. Increase character development and leadership opportunities for students.
Instructional Strategies and Resources Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Focus Areas: Instructional Strategies and Resources Culture and Community Student Engagement
Instructional Strategies & Resources Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Instructional Strategies & Resources Short-Term Goals Increase student growth in all academic areas through inquiry based learning, differentiation, project based learning, etc. Increase student usage of transformative technology. Expand opportunities for teachers to learn and implement current best practices for increasing student engagement and growth.
Culture & Community Short-Term Goals Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Culture & Community Short-Term Goals Increase parent and community involvement and engagement in the classroom and school activities. Increase student inter-personal and intra-personal awareness and skills. Increase student career readiness skills such as public speaking and presentation opportunities.
Improve health and well-being practices. Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Student Engagement Short-Term Goals Increase opportunities for all students to participate in school activities. Improve positive character traits and increase students’ accountability to behave in this manner. Improve health and well-being practices.
Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council
Instructional Strategies and Resources Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Instructional Strategies and Resources Strategic Initiatives Provide professional learning opportunities to increase teachers’ implementation of rigor in the classroom (i.e. STEM/ STEAM). Incorporate professional development on transformational technology in the classroom. Develop and implement a consistent writing program across all grade levels and content areas.
Culture and Community Strategic Initiatives Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Culture and Community Strategic Initiatives Implement a leadership character based program (Stephen Covey’s The Leader in Me). Create opportunities for Parent Portfolio Reviews of students’ work. Involve parents and community members to deliver and/ or facilitate learning sessions who are content experts or professionals.
Student Engagement Strategic Initiatives Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council Student Engagement Strategic Initiatives Implement student goal setting initiative and track progress. Implement student mentoring program. Develop and implement a wellness program. Create student leadership opportunities.
LWE SGC Information Lake Windward Elementary School Governance Council LWE SGC Information Click on the “About” tab Click on “Student Governance Council” Email us!