Reflecting upon the Dysfunctions of a leadership team Reflecting upon the Dysfunctions of a leadership team & remaking the team Presented by Dr. Xenia Johns & Dr. Dawn Z. Hodges League for Innovation Chicago, Illinois March 23, 2016
If you Hate or are offended by EmoJis, best to leave NOW! Southern Crescent Technical College
What is your role at your college? Describe your team. Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College Technical College System of Georgia One of 22 Colleges Griffin, GA (directly south of Atlanta airport) Serve nine counties (metro to rural) 4,500 Fall enrollment Adult Education; Allied Health; Arts & Sciences; Business; CIS & Distance Learning; Film; Industrial & Technical; Personal Services & Public Safety. Southern Crescent Technical College Southern Crescent Technical College
Tuesday morning meetings 8:30 am-10:00 am Senior Leadership meeting 10:30 am-noon Senior Leadership seminar The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Maxwell) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey) Leaders Eat Last (Sinek) Necessary Endings (Cloud) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni) Tuesday morning meetings Southern Crescent Technical College
The Five dysfunctions of a team By Author Patrick Lencioni A Leadership Fable (2002) Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint The Five dysfunctions of a team Southern Crescent Technical College
Setting the stage Southern Crescent Technical College
The Team Kathryn…The New CEO Jeff…Former CEO, Business Dev. Mikey…Marketing Martin…Chief Technologist JR…Sales Carlos…Customer Support Jan…Chief Financial Officer Nick…Chief Operating Officer The Team Southern Crescent Technical College
Kathryn JR Jeff Jan Mikey Carlos Nick Martin Southern Crescent Technical College
Their Off-Site Napa Valley, Yountville, CA Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Our Off-Site Brasstown Southern Crescent Technical College
What do we say about our off-site? Numbers, enrollment, retention Holding Each Other Accountable Reporting every week What to report? Created the Momentum Report President was the moderator Some tension among the team What do we say about our off-site? Southern Crescent Technical College
The burning Point The Web-Site
“Remember teamwork begins by building trust “Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” Patrick Lencioni Southern Crescent Technical College
Teamwork requires vulnerability Southern Crescent Technical College
“If we don’t trust one another, then we aren’t going to engage in open, constructive, ideological conflict.” Patrick Lencioni Southern Crescent Technical College
“When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer.” Patrick Lencioni Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Taking the Team Assessment……Twice! Southern Crescent Technical College
1. Team members are passionate and unguarded in their discussion of issues 2. Team members call out one another’s deficiencies or unproductive behaviors 3. Team members know what their peers are working on and how they contribute to the collective good of the team. 4. Team members quickly and genuinely apologize to one another when the say or do something in appropriate or possibly damaging to the team. 5. Team members willingly make sacrifices (such as budget, turf, head count) in their departments or areas of expertise for the good of the team. Southern Crescent Technical College
6. Team members openly admit their weaknesses and mistakes. 7. Team meetings are compelling, and not boring. 8. Team members leave meetings confident that their peers are completely committed to the decisions that were agreed on, even if there was initial disagreement. 9. Morale is significantly affected by the failure to achieve team goals. 10. During team meetings, the most important---and difficult--- issues are put on the table to be resolved. Southern Crescent Technical College
11. Team members are deeply concerned about the prospect of letting down their peers. 12. Team members know about one another’s personal lives and are comfortable discussing them. 13. Team members end discussions with clear and specific resolutions and calls to action. 14. Team members challenge one another about their plans and approaches. 15. Team members are slow to seek credit for their own contributions, but quick to point out those of others. Southern Crescent Technical College
Senior Leadership Team 2016 President Executive Vice President Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice President for Student Affairs Vice President for Administrative Services Vice President for Advancement Vice President for Operations Vice President for IE, IR, and IT Vice President for Adult Education Administrative Assistant to the President 10 President Executive Vice President Vice President for Academic Affairs (now with Adult Education) Vice President for Student Affairs Vice President for Administrative Services (now with IT) Vice President For Advancement Vice President for Operations Vice President for IE & IR Director of Marketing Administrative Assistant to the President 10 Senior Leadership Team 2016 Southern Crescent Technical College
And NOW here we are Focusing our Attention on results!!! Southern Crescent Technical College
Discussion?, Questions? Southern Crescent Technical College
Using tools, exercises, assessments, and real-world examples. Southern Crescent Technical College
Contact us @ Dr. Xenia Johns Dr. Dawn Z. Hodges Contact us @ Southern Crescent Technical College
The EnD Southern Crescent Technical College