Starter of the day Get your books from last time out of your hanging file. Get your suminagashi test print from the stack up front. Put your test print into your book next to your suminagashi steps and put it back into your hanging file. If you were not here last time you will need to get the notes from the board where it says printmaking.
Contour line drawings & suminagashi Printmaking Day 3 Contour line drawings & suminagashi
Agenda Go over what we did last time in class. Listen as a group to demonstration on how to draw contour line drawing of a real object than put them onto watercolor paper. Draw your real object in contour line onto a transparancy. Transfer to 3 to 5 watercolor papers. Suminagashi
Last time We learned about the technique called suminagashi Each person created one suminagashi sheet. We learned how to see contour lines in a real object. We drew them onto transparencies
Contour line review We will be doing contour and suggestive contour lines for our project. You will make either 3-5 copies of the same contour line image or 3-5 different contour line images onto watercolor paper.
Demonstration Demonstration on how to draw contour line drawings and make them prints Supplies 3-5 pieces of watercolor paper A pencil An object or a photograph A transparency A wet erase marker A sharpie pen A bucket of cold water Suminagashi ink
Studio Time Draw 1-3 drawings with visa-vi onto transparency in contour line. Transfer these drawings onto 3-5 different pieces of watercolor paper. Use pencil to transfer than go over it with sharpie marker. Make sure your name is on the back of all of your papers. Once you have the image drawn onto the paper clean up any lines and make it look unique and dark. Suminagashi all of your drawings. The colors can be the same or different that is up to you. Put on drying rack
Exit Slip On the same page as our starter assignment, but underneath answer the following question. In 3 sentences how do you think you did on this project? Did you like it, if so why? Did you not like it, if so why?