Action Items from ARIES IFE Meeting, GA, July 1-2, 2002 (DRAFT) 1. Perform aerosol analysis for thin liquid wall configuration with Pb and FLiBe and for thick liquid wall configuration with FLiBe (P. Sharpe) - Consult with W. Meier or C. Debonnel for setting appropriate model geometry for thick liquid wall - Consult with R. Raffray to obtain aerosol source figures 2. Assess effect of neutron heat deposition in thick liquid wall on possible shock wave formation and jet disintegration (A. Hassanein) - Consult with W. Meier or C. Debonnel for setting appropriate model geometry 3. Assess possibility of FLiBe decomposition due to photon interaction (D. K. Sze, M. Billone) 4. Assess flow bypass and recycling based on flow volume flow rate and power cycle requirements.. Assess requirements and possible means of filtering to remove debris and other impurities that could clog the nozzles (I. Sviatoslavsky) 5. Assess choice of structural material and nozzle material including performance (temperature limits), lifetime and possible corrosion products (M. Billone, reported to some extent by D. K. Sze) 6. Develop design tables for tangential injection case based on detachment and unacceptable droplet ejection (S. Abdel-Khalik) July 2, 2002/ARR
Action Items from ARIES IFE Meeting, GA, July 1-2, 2002 (DRAFT) 7. Replace jet arrays by solid shield at the wall and compare shielding results (J. Latkowski) 8. Sensitivity analysis on the effect of off-centered micro-explosion on shielding effectiveness and on possible exposition of solid regions to direct neutron line of sight (J. Latkowski) 9. Determine driver (heavy ion beam) requirement for acceptable FLiBe vapor pressure, aerosol size and number density, and condensation film thickness in the line for different driver modes (C. Olson, S. Yu and C. Debonnel) 10. Determine ID target requirements for FLiBe aerosol size and number density (R. Petzoldt, D. Goodin) - Optical properties for FLiBe?? 11. Determine impact of lifetime of structural material on system availability (L. Waganer, W. Meier) 12. Run ABLATOR for FLiBe and Pb cases to confirm simple modeling results and obtain better understanding of any integrated effect (M. Zaghloul, R. Raffray) 13. Follow up on final determination of FLiBe properties (M. Zaghloul, D. K. Sze and R. Raffray) 14. Recycling versus one-shot scenario (L. El-Guebaly) 15. Clarify beam steering capability for heavy ion beam (S. Yu) 16. Assess possibility of using normal conducting final focus magnet (S. Yu/F. Najmabadi) July 2, 2002/ARR