ISO TC 204 CHOD Meeting 27 April 2006 WG 16 Convenor’s Report ISO TC 204 CHOD Meeting 27 April 2006
Meetings Update SWG meetings on aggressive schedule 5-9 December 05 – Busan, Korea 20-23 February 06 – Sophia Antipolis, France 23-24 February 06 – joint meeting with ETSI ERM TG 37, Sophia Antipolis, France Planned meetings 8-12 May 06 - Philadelphia, USA 11-15 September 06 – Shenzen, China December 06 - England
Resolutions from Portland Progress Report (since TC204 Portland Plenary) Work Item Resolutions from Portland Actions taken Status 24100 - Basic Principles for Personal Data Protection in Probe Vehicle Information Services NP Ballot Document is ready and has been sent to TC204 Secretariat Was sent out on 20 February 2006 for NP ballot 24103 - CALM MAIL NP ballot Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out for ballot 25111 - CALM WBB – General Support 25112 CALM WBB – WiMAX 25113 CALM WBB – Existing Systems 21218 - CALM Networking - Lower Layer SAPs CD ballot Draft is ready for CD ballot 24977 Mobile Phone Based e-Call Ballot ended - Result: Ballot failed by not having enough countries voting Comment resolution meeting was held on 22 February. Re-ballot request at the Busan Plenary 24978 Automatic Crash Notification Using Any Available Wireless Media 21217 CALM Architecture DIS ballot Draft is ready for DIS balloting Will be finalized and sent out for balloting by May
Status Update SWG 16.0 – CALM Architecture SWG 16.1 – CALM Media CD 21217 CALM Architecture DIS draft will be ready and sent out in 2nd quarter of 2006 SWG 16.1 – CALM Media NP 21212 CALM 2G Cellular and NP 21213 CALM 3G Cellular Documents for the CD ballot have been sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out the ballot NP 21215 CALM M5 Will be resubmitted with a combined NP/CD ballot when IEEE 802.11p is finished
Status Update II SWG 16.1 – CALM Media (cont.) DIS 21214 CALM IR Full Standard – waiting for publication ISO Directives require that once editing is completed, a Standard is published by ISO CS within 2 months. The editing process was completed at the end of Q3 2005, and ISO CS issued a statement that it would be published by end 2005, In January they changed the date to February, and then March. This month they promised end May, This is completely unsatisfactory. WG16 requests that TC204 Approve the following resolution “In view of the need for the delivery of timely Standards, and the requirement of ISO Directives that Standards shall be published within two months of the end of the editing process, ISO TC204 resolves to make formal complaint to ISO TMB regarding unacceptable delays to the publication of ISO 21214, which has now been delayed for more than seven months and is still not published. ISO TC204 requires the immediate publication of this approved Standard, and proposes to ISO TMB that for this and all TC204 Standards, where ISO publications department is unable to meet the time to publication requirements of ISO Directives, that the final post editing PDF is published as received, (there is precedent for this in JTC1 procedures) with the option that ISO publications may issue an amended document at a later date.”
Status Update III SWG 16.1 – CALM (cont.) NP 21216 CALM Millimeter Wave The draft CD expected to be ready by the 3rd quarter of 2006 12 months extension request at the Busan Plenary PWI 24102 CALM Interface Manager NP ballot request at the TC204 Busan Plenary PWI 24103 MAIL Documents for the NP ballot have been sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out the ballot PWI 25111 CALM WBB - General Support Request combined NP/CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary PWI 25112 CALM WBB – WiMAX
Status Update IV SWG 16.1 – CALM (cont.) SWG 16.2 – CALM Networking PWI 25113 CALM WBB – Existing Systems Documents for the NP ballot have been sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out the ballot SWG 16.2 – CALM Networking DIS 15662 – TICS Wide Area Communication Message Management Information ISO CS is waiting for the Final Report form from TC 204 Secretariat to proceed with IS Publication CD 21210-1 – CALM Networking for Internet Connectivity CD ballot ended 10 February 2006 Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send the result of the ballot to the working group NP 21210-2 – CALM Networking for Direct Mode Connectivity Request CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary NP 21218 – CALM Networking - SAPs Documents for the CD ballot have been sent to TC204 Secretariat (28 February, 21 March)
Status Update VI SWG 16.3 – Probe Data CD 22837 Probe Data Request CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary PWI 24100 Privacy Documents for the NP ballot have been sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out the ballot PWI 25114 Probe Data Reporting Management First NP draft will be ready by the Philadelphia meeting in May 2006 SWG 16.4 – Application Management NP 24101 Application Management
Status Update VII SWG 16.5 – e-Call NP 24977 Mobile Phone Based e-Call CD ballot failed by not having enough countries voting Comments were resolved at the WG16 Sophia Antipolis meeting Re-ballot request at the Busan Plenary NP 24978 Automatic Crash Notification Using Any Available Wireless Media Norway has proposed that both documents are merged into a single, more flexible document. As yet, the WG has not established whether or not this has any support. There is a joint ETSI ERM TG37/ CEN TC278 WG15 meeting scheduled to be held at ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, to debate the future of these work items within Europe (particularly 24977). The positions of CEC, ACEA, and GSM Europe will be discussed at this meeting. The meeting will make A recommendation to the Philadelphia meeting of ISO TC204 WG16 regarding next steps for 24977
Status Update VIII New Work Item Proposals CALM Satellite CALM WBB - IEEE 802.20
Other Business WG16 resolved the following statement at its Sophia Antipolis meeting in February 2006 in order to help the cooperation with R&D projects: “ISO TC204/WG16 appreciates the possibility to work together with R&D project clusters, and welcomes input from these projects. WG16 decides to release working documents to these project clusters for the purpose of commenting and validating the contents at an early stage.”
Current Work Program ISO work item number ISO ID Title Registration Date Current Stage Started Current Stage Target Dates Comment Project Leader Project Control ISO/DIS 15662 28014 TICS Wide Area Communication Message Man. Information 18-Dec-96 60.00 20-Aug-03 In publication process Resolution 298 H Wakayama ISO CS is waiting for the Final Report form from TC204 Secretariat ISO/NP 21210-1 35714 CALM Networking for Internet Connectivity 1-Sept-04 30.20 18-Apr-04 CD: 2005-09 DIS: 2007-02 CD ballot ended 10 February 2006 Waiting for TC204 Secretariat to send out the result of the ballot 21210-2 CALM Networking for Direct Mode Connectivity 20.60 CD: 2006-09 DIS: 2007-09 Request CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary. Draft will be completed at the Philadelphia meeting in May ISO/CD 21212 35717 CALM 2G Cellular 16-Sept-05 30.60 DIS: 2006-09 R Williams Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) for DIS balloting 21213 35718 CALM 3G Cellular Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February 17, 21 March) for DIS balloting 21214 41104 CALM IR 15-Dec-03 IS: 2005-12 Full Standard – Waiting for publication 21215 35720 CALM M5 10.00 Relies on ongoing work at IEEE K Evensen Will be resubmitted as NP/CD ballot pending on IEEE process
Current Work Program ISO work item number ISO ID Title Registration Date Current Stage Started Current Stage Target Dates Comment Project Leader Project Control ISO/NP 21216 35721 CALM MM 1-Aug-05 20.00 CD: 2006-07 DIS: 2007-07 M Fujise Request 12 months extension at Busan Plenary ISO/CD 21217 35722 CALM Architecture 30.99 DIS: 2006-07 K Evensen DIS draft will be ready and sent out for DIS ballot in 2nd quarter of 2006 21218 35723 CALM Networking - Lower Layer SAPs 20.99 H Fischer Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (28 February, 21 March) 22837 36518 Vehicle Probe Data for Wide Area Communication 22-Apr-04 18-Apr-05 CD: 2005-12 DIS: 2006-03 T Kishi Request CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary ISO/PWI 24100 42017 Basic Principles for Personal Data Protection in Probe Vehicle Information Serv. 10.20 14-Oct-04 NP: 2006-04 CD: 2007-12 Y Watanabe Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) 24101 42018 CALM Application Management 16-Sept-05 02-Sept-05 CD: 2006-09 DIS: 2007-09 M Ohyama 24102 42019 Interface Manager 10.00 24-Jan-05 NP: 2006-06 CD: 2008-02 Request NP ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary 24103 42020 CALM MAIL NP: 2006-04 CD: 2007-12 K Koga
Current Work Program ISO work item number ISO ID Title Registration Date Current Stage Started Current Stage Target Dates Comment Project Leader Project Control ISO/NP 24977 42726 Mobile Phone Based e-Call 16-Sept-05 20.99 CD:2006-09 DIS:2007-09 B Williams CD ballot failed by not having enough countries voting. Comments resolved. Re-ballot request at the Busan Plenary 24978 42727 Automatic Crash Notification Using Any Available Wireless Media Comments resolved. Re-ballot request at the Busan Plenary ISO/PWI 25111 42751 CALM WBB - General Support 10.20 22-April-05 NP: 2006-02 CD: 2007-10 H Cho Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February, 17, 21 March) Request combined NP/CD ballot at the TC204 Busan Plenary 25112 42752 CALM WBB – WiMAX TBD 25113 42753 CALM WBB – Existing Systems J Wilson Documents sent to TC204 Secretariat (23 January, 12, 18 February 17, 21 March) 25114 42754 Probe Data Reporting Management 10.00 NP: 2006-08 CD: 2008-04 R Bishop First draft will be ready by the Philadelphia meeting
Requests for TC204 Busan Plenary Item Requested Action Status Follow-up 24102 CALM Interface Manager NP ballot request 21210-2 CALM Networking for Direct Mode Connectivity CD ballot request 25111 CALM WBB General Support Combined NP/CD ballot request 24101 Application Manager 22837 Probe Data 24977 Mobile Phone Based e-Call CD re-ballot request 24978 Automatic Crash Notification Using Any Available Wireless Media 21216 Millimetre Wave 12 months extension CALM WBB - IEEE 802.20 New work item proposal CALM Satellite