RLD test program : alternative method O.I.L#18 WLTP-06-30e RLD test program : alternative method O.I.L#18 26th -28th of March 2014 WLTP IWG #6
Objectives RLD determination with “Wind-tunnel + chassis dyno “ vs “coast-down”, to enable the introduction of the WT+CD method in GTR 15, Annex 4, § 6. [RESERVED: Road load measurement using a combination of a wind tunnel and chassis dynamometer] Comparison of equivalency of both methods Comparison of reproducibility/repeatability for both methods Comparison of the running resistance measured on chassis dyno with the ISO 10521-1 method (stabilized speeds) and by deceleration (shorten method) Aim = optimization of the current ISO method WLTP IWG #6
Outlines of the program (1/2) 5 vehicles provided by PSA and Renault M1 & N1 2x4 & 4x4 Automatic & manual Transmission 3 Tracks : Idiada (ES) ; Belchamp (FR) ; Aubevoye (FR) 2 Chassis dynamometers : Belchamp (FR) ; Aubevoye (FR) 1 Wind tunnel : St Cyr (FR – S2A) 1 golden Engineer = UTAC WLTP IWG #6
Outlines of the program (2/2) Tests period targeted : June September 2014 1) Tracks and chassis dyno 2) Wind Tunnel In parallel, adjustment of the used reference method and wind tunnel criteria in the framework of the ad hoc TFs lead by BMW (Christoph Lueginger) and TNO (Rob Cuelenaere) : O.I.L #10 and 18 Preliminary exchanges with ACEA, VW, BMW in March Outlines of the program (2/2) WLTP IWG #6
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