Digitising hospital care and beyond 23 November 2016 Malcolm Senior, Director of Informatics
The Current Vision
Why Digitise? For Patients For Clinical Staff For Healthcare Organisations Safer Care Information readily available Up to date information about patients Better and easier communications – not asked the same question many times Information captured once and easily shared , less duplication, saves time Fewer errors, fewer complaints Fewer delays Improved decision making Less litigation More informed about their care Avoid harming patients Improved reputation Confidence in the system Increased confidence through informed best practice Happier and more motivated staff, less sickness More control over their health and wellbeing Easier access to evidence for revalidation Less waste and unnecessary variation in the system = lower cost Healthier lives Happier at work Sustainable provider status
Background - Musgrove Park Hospital Somerset’s largest hospital Annual budget c£280m 4,000 staff 600 beds and 15 operating theatres 315,500 outpatient attendances 56,000 A&E attendances 41,000 emergency admissions 34,000 elective day cases 9,000 elective admissions 3,400 births
Our unique approach
Paperlight Outpatients - reduced printing
How? Inputs and Outputs Leadership 5YFV Ambitions STP Ambitions Blood Technology Process People Leadership 5YFV Ambitions Blood Sweat and Tears “Appier” staff = Blood Sweat & Smiles
Our clinical teams are engaged in developing solutions to keep them connected to their patients
Competing priorities for available finances
Today’s pressures Vs tomorrow’s aspirations
Hospital care never stops and has a cast of thousands Closed for Transformation
People and Change
Converting and embedding national strategy into everyday use GP Systems developed in the UK by GPs for the NHS system Acute EPR systems largely developed in the USA for their private health system
Risk of Digital exclusion in Somerset
Assuring patients’ that their data as well as their health is safe in our hands
Nothing is as certain as Death and Taxes Beyond Digitisation Nothing is as certain as Death and Taxes ………..Except….. Benjamin Franklin
The use of big data to improve the health of the population Rt Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP
Thank you