By Aspen Fernando Room 28 5th Grade American Revolution By Aspen Fernando Room 28 5th Grade
In the beginning The American Revolution was an important war to America. As though the thirteen colonies costs a lot of men Paul Revere helped those men win it’s independence. Also Benjamin Franklin helped by making the Declaration of In dependence. The first event was a brutal battle, but the colonists survive.
Paul Revere Paul Revere was an important patriot who served in the American Revolution. He served for the blue coats which is also known as the American’s side. When he heard the tax on tea he joined Samuel Adams to create the “Boston Tea Party". When they did this they had to dress like Indians. They crept slowly at midnight, as like mouse. They got to the ship where the crates of tea stand. They boarded the ship and dump the tea on Boston Harbor . When the people woke up they saw 10,00 boxes of crates on the harbor. Someone told the king about this, but this didn’t bother the king. Thomas Paine what really angered the king because he talked about how America should get its freedom. The king put British soldiers in America to make war with America . The Yankees got guns and prepared for possible war with Britain .Dr. John Warren got Paul Revere sent him to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock and other colonists. He went off on his adventure to warn colonists. He rode to Lexington to warn the colonists. He warned John Hancock and Samuel Adams as they quickly got out of town. Paul Revere should be still remembered as hero because he help us win our independence.
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was born in January 17,1706 at Boston, Massachusetts. When Benjamin was 10years old his parents couldn’t afford school any more, so Ben work at his father’s candle shop as he engaged at public projects. He worked at brother’s printing press shop and after a result of disagreement Ben ran away to Philadelphia and arriving at October 1723. At the time of the American Revolution Benjamin Franklin was helping Thomas Jefferson edit the Declaration of Independence. He died in April 17,1706,but people who carely about the American Revolution should know that Benjamin Franklin is a hero.
Lexington and Concord At dawn of Lexington in April 19 1775, British general Thomas Cage know that colonists were hiding weapons near Lexington and know who conducted the Boston Tea Party which happens to be Samuel Adams and John Hancock which they were sleeping in an inn near Lexington. So they went to Lexington to locate the weapons and murder John Hancock and Samuel Adams. The colonists knew the British were coming because Paul Revere warned them. So the people of Lexington prepared for battle. The British came and saw men waiting for them. They stood for a minute then a shot was fired out of nowhere and wounded a British officer so the British proceed fire . It only lasted for a ten minutes and 8 men were deceased . So they went to Concord and the weapons the been expecting to find were gone. So the moved to Boston and while they were there an ambushed was set up while they were walking in the wood s.73 British soldiers were wounded. This was beginning of the American Revolution.
End Those people and event were important to America because with out it America wouldn’t be free. The event was important because without this war America wouldn’t be America it will just be one of Britain and no independence.