Collective Pata de Perro Bike Club
We started July 2013
Summer camp kids
Few tools and a lot of smiles
Usually ended with extra nuts
Friends started asking, “Where did you get your bike fixed?”
New members showed up
We give the freedom of making the club their club
Members create a relationship with their bikes
New partners showed up
New partners = volunteers
More tools
We provide culturally friendly events
Adults also asked for services
Father and son connected with bikes
We were awarded a grant from a block party based on voting for the best community project
We used the funds to stock the shop
Open house
We came up with a system for the club during the winter break
We promote biking to anyone and everyone
Going to work
Going to the library
Going to the park
We became more public
Rochester open streets
Partners started sharing resources
More adults started to show up
Members started to have more one on one
Some just prefer weekend rides
Back to school rally
Rochesterfest parade
Promoting cycling culture at Thursdays on First
Earning their bikes by working together
Our numbers show there is a need
Members started showing up during non open days
We learned that we need to invest more on the “adult volunteer”