2016 Mill Levy Oversight Committee Whole Child June 20, 2017
Meeting Agenda Revisit Committee Roles Whole Child Mill Levy Discussion Committee Next Steps - 2 -
Mill Levy Committee Responsibilities Revisit Mill Levy Oversight Committee Responsibilities Mission To maintain and expand community relationships and involvement while ensuring that general obligation bond money and mill levy money is spent as intended and represented to the voters Appointment Each committee will contain one Board of Education member, serving in an ex-officio capacity 7 members will be Board-recommended using a consensus opinion Remaining members will be named by the Superintendent. These members will be approved by the Board of Education Membership considerations will include geographic and ethnic diversity as well as knowledge continuity from the CPAC group and 2012 oversight committees Term of Service Committee members will be staggered with two and three-year terms If members are unable to attend 75% of meetings, they may be removed from the committee Mill Levy Committee Responsibilities Develop accountability system to track mill levy expenditure and impact on student achievement Advise on continuous improvement efforts within mill levy programs to increase impact on student achievement Board Updates Board members serving on each committee will provide the remaining Board Members with updates Mill Levy Oversight Committee will provide semi-annual updates to the Board of Education summarizing the use of mill levy funds and academic impact - 3 -
Support for the Whole Child Provide all schools with additional funds distributed on a per pupil basis to more meaningfully serve the social-emotional health needs of their students Expand the Summer Academy to 185 hours (closer to national best practice) for 2500 students & ensure 1,000 more students can attend other summer learning
Total Whole Child MLO Allocation
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Menu Created to Support Decision-Making School Based Decision-Making Schools used data (Student Satisfaction Survey, Whole Child Report, etc) to define their annual needs. Based on need, schools selected service options, aligned to their need. School leaders have discretion on use of funds for elements of social emotional learning including Mental Health, Social Emotional or Prevention Curriculum, and Climate/Culture. School leaders have flexibility to use the funds for FTE to support SEL or to work with community partner organizations for services or training Tanya Carter, IS to discuss school process HANDOUTS: http://wholechild.dpsk12.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Whole-Child-Mill-Levy-Quick-Reference-Guide-Final.pdf http://wholechild.dpsk12.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Whole-Child-Mill-Levy-Menu-v8.pdf Menu Created to Support Decision-Making
Direct to School Funding (6:4:1) Per Pupil and Total Distribution by Grade Band Per Pupil Allocations School Level Direct Certification Per Pupil FRL Per Pupil Non-FRL Per Pupil Elementary/ECE-8 $184 $123 $31 Middle $164 $109 $27 High $150 $100 $25
Use of Funds Preliminary budget data shows that nearly two-thirds of these new funds to be put towards increased development in social and emotional support for students at the school level. Increases in Psychologists, Social Workers, Restorative Justice Coordinators, Counselors and Deans of Culture Over a third of DPS schools are facing meaningful budget cuts due to enrollment declines. In many cases, these schools still increase their social and emotional services while also using 2016 mill levy funds to maintain current minimum programming. A school that is declining in enrollment and maintaining services is in fact increasing services offered on a per pupil basis. Unique – Lincoln/College View
How Are Some Schools Using Their Money? NOTE: 2017-18 school budgets are preliminary and are subject to change based on actual fall enrollment High School A Projecting 1527 students (-68 from last year) $135,000 of mill levy funds 2 restorative justice coordinators (+1) 7 counselors (+2) 2 psychologists or social works (flat) 1 health tech (flat) Elementary School B Projecting 291 students (-31 from last year) $54,000 of mill levy funds 2 psychologists or social works (flat) 1.2 health tech (+ a half-day a week) Elementary School C Projecting 302 students (-53 from last year) $47,000 of mill levy funds 1.6 psychologists or social works (flat) .5 health tech (flat) 1 restorative justice coordinator (flat) 1 counselor (flat) Unique – Lincoln/College View
Progress Monitoring Review overall investment in SEL related positions, monitoring for both spending of Mill and meeting required minimums Monitor growth in Social Emotional Intelligence using student satisfaction survey and DESSA-Mini Student Satisfaction Survey measures students perception of their schools support in each of the six whole child components http://wholechild.dpsk12.org/support-for-the-whole-child/whole-child-student-survey/ Unique – Lincoln/College View
Whole Child Innovation Fund RFP released – 42 schools applied Cross departmental review process 7 schools implementing innovative approaches to social emotional learning $100,000 over two years Shared research and support with imaginarium and Whole Child Supports Learn and share lessons learned and successes with other schools HANDOUT - School Summaries
Mental Health Expansion Sustain funding of temporary investment in MHE schools with potential for addition of up to 9 additional schools 44 schools receive between $15,299 and $45,898 Schools determined by Assistant Superintendents Funds are specifically for school psychologists, school social workers, school counselors, and/or restorative practices coordinators
Mental Health Center of Denver Clinical Supports MHCD contract for two clinicians Deployed at the request of school leaders Short term individual or family therapy for typical students Focus on addressing trauma and acute psychological needs
Summer Academy Expansion In Summer 2016, 1020 students attended a full day Summer Academy program In Summer 2017 maintain current programming Use the year to build strong systems of support for Summer 2018 in Quality Improvement, Evaluation, and Registration Currently hiring administrative and quality programming support staff Preparing RFP for Community Partner Organizations to provide full day experience in Summer 2018 Expected RFP launch date of 8/1/17
Mill Levy Committee Next Steps Discuss potential July meeting time Subsequent committee meeting Aug 22nd - 16 -