Pope After Leo
Pope Hilarius followed Leo and continued his policies Simplicius followed him and there was political chaos during his time Constant tension between Popes and eastern emperors even though technically Italy was in Holy Roman (eastern) Empire East-West Schism (Not great schism)
Pope Further complicated by Ostrogoths invasion This led to 2 Popes: One was eastern empire and one was Ostrogoth Hormisdas followed as Pope and he ended the schism with Constantinople Belisarius led an invasion (Justinian was emperor) from east and ran out Ostrogoths from Italy
Pope Did not help the church in west though because the empire now tried to run the church as it was in the east The next few Popes were puppets of Justinian Justinian built Hagia Sophia- “Holy Wisdom” Byzantine power did not last not in Italy-6 years later the Lombards ran them out The Popes became responsible for the preservation of the city once this happened
Pope Pope Benedict died in 579 and the Lombards were threatening the city but Pelagius II kept them away Since no help was coming from Constantinople, Pelagius II turned to the Franks for help Gregory was the next Pope and considered one of the greatest Popes
Gregory He was a Benedictine monk and Pope Benedict made him a deacon (member of his administrative council) Pelagius II appointed him to court at Constantinople He returned to Rome 6 years later where he was made Abbott
Gregory When he returned, the Lombards were threatening to take over all of Italy and not much support from Constantinople or Franks Flood had destroyed much of food supply Pope Pelagius died as he became ill by restoring sanitation, burying the dead, and feeding the hungry. Gregory helped him.
Gregory He did not want to be bishop of Rome and wrote a letter objecting but it was intercepted. He later accepted. Organized feeding the needy and protecting shipments of wheat from Sicily. Supervised rebuilding of the aqueducts and defense of the city. Leadership vacuum so he stepped up.
Gregory He opened direct negotiations with Lombards and secured peace He preached constantly and promoted clerical celibacy Helped Spain convert to Nicene orthodoxy Sent Augustine on mission to England Intervened in Donatist schism in Africa
Gregory Also an influential writer and agreed with Augustine in much of his writings There was some small disturbances between the 2. Augustine suggested at purgatory and Gregory affirmed it as truth
Gregory Taught: We offer satisfaction to God through penance. Those who die in faith without having offered satisfaction for all sins go to purgatory so believers can pray for them Living can help dead out by offering masses He believed in mass or communion Christ was sacrificed anew
After Gregory After Gregory the popes became evil and sinful Those who refused the eastern orthodox were treated harshly by Constantinople Disagreement over Christology and Pope Martin was kidnapped and monk Maximus had his tongue cut out along with right hand and sent to exile.
Frank alliance This tension pushed he popes to ally with Franks Lombards were threatening so Pope Stephen appealed to Pepin and he invaded Italy and drove out Lombards and gave Pope Stephen land This culminated with Charlemagne being crowned in 800
Arab Conquest Early in 7th Century, out of Arabia a conquering force arrives and the Persian empire vanished and much of Roman empire did as well Muhammad, Arab merchant, had dreams and visions called him to be a prophet and gave him the message according to him. Message was given by Gabriel according to him He claimed this was not a new religion but combined with Hebrew prophets and Jesus (prophet) and himself
Islam The religion had 5 points-5 pillars of Islam 1. Radical monotheism 2. Ritual prayer 3. Zakat-Alms giving-poor has right to wealth of rich-Most controversial 4. Fasting during Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca or hajj
Arab Merchants opposed his teachings in Mecca He formed a community and his followers set out on political and military campaign He dies in 632 but much of Arabia was in Muslim hands by then Caliphs-sucessor In 632-634 Arabia gained its first military victory of Byzantinia
Conquest In 635 they took Damascus and in 638 Jerusalem By 651 they had swept through the Persian empire Of first 4 caliphs, 3 were assassinated due to inner strife The struggle between Ali and his rivals still persists today
Strife The Shiites supported Ali and the Sunni were his rivals Minor differences theologically but disagreed on successors of Muhammad had to be direct descendants or not Still advances and Carthage fell in 695 and thus many accepted Islam By 711 much of Spain had fallen to Islam In 732, Charles Martel defeats them at Tours ending the first wave of Muslim conquests.
Conquests Muslims promised those disenfranchised by eastern orthodox would be listened to Many of ancient Christian communities fell to Muslim rule: Jerusalem, Antioch, Damascus, Alexandria, and Carthage. Conversion to Christianity was usually harshly punished A defense for Christianity was viewed as offense against Muhammad and punishable by death
Arab Conquests Christianity almost disappeared in some areas Christianity had been mostly in Mediterranean world but now ran north/south to British Isles, Franks, and Italy. Constantinople was alienated from that group which also led to Charlemagne being crowned
Changes Muslim conquests brought about changes in Christian beliefs Many 1st century Christians were not for fighting Islam brought a constant threat that needed to be fought back Just War Theory This helped lead to the Crusades a few centuries later which was bad for Christianity