Continuing Professional development cpd Continuing Professional development Transport & Logistics Professionals: Are we on the right road?
‘Are we on the right road? TITLE ‘Are we on the right road? Transport logistics professionals in Namibia, and their exposure to and understanding of CPD’.
Glossary CILT : Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport NGCL : Namibian German Centre for Logistics CPD : Continuing Professional Development
Introduction Supply management responsibilities teach us that in order to remain competent, firms must improve their internal processes to remain competitive. CPD Orientation: “The systematic maintenance and improvement of knowledge, skills and competence throughout a professionals working life” CILT EM
Methodology The paper was to outline the motivational factors behind why professionals need continuous improvement and to understand why a single qualification without further development is no longer enough. A population of 129 questionnaires were handed to CILT students at the NGCL. The primary information collected was converted to graphs for easier interpretation. EM
Findings GY
Awareness of professional bodies GY
What motivates people to continue learning irrespective of their existing professional qualification? Competition The desire to diversify in other fields Knowledge and skills High unemployment Promotion and salary GY
Cpd Benefits to the economy Leads to innovation as people start own businesses Economic growth Skilled workforce GY
Cpd: Compulsory or voluntary (sample 129 respondents) GY
Training Vs development GY
CILT STUDENTS: Highest Qualification NN
Students that have previously undertaken CPD NN
Cpd contribution to company success Work becomes easier. Increase production. Decrease costs. Increase sales and profits. Competitive advantage. NN
Should Logistics and Transport degree holders carry out CPD? All survey participants agreed that logistics and transport degree holders should undergo CPD. NN
Whose responsibility is CPD? NN
Recommendations Support for Development(Private, Public companies and educational institutions) CPD as an independent Function In organisations Logistics professionals should keep developing their knowledge and skills in order to keep up with ever changing global trends. EM
Recommendations continue…. Namibian logistics association should work together with member companies provide support and encourage their employees to keep developing their skills. Institutions should create active awareness on CPD. EM
Conclusion Are we there yet? The Namibian economy has an eventual vision of becoming globalised and industrialized ,among other important objectives. CPD As an alien concept does not shadow the desire for learning and improvement. Support for CPD programmes may be inadequate, but people are trying Open minded attitude is hopeful All these indicate that even if we are not there, we are progressing well toward the CPD visions of 2030 and NDP 4 Are we there yet? The Namibian economy has an eventual vision of becoming globalised and industrialized ,among other important objectives. The fact that CPD is somewhat of an alien concept to a few, does not shadow the desire for learning and improvement. The infrastructure and support for CPD programmes may be inadequate at present, but there is comfort in that we know people are trying to get ahead. . The willing attitude to accept CPD brings hope for future ethical and moral practices as far as transport and logistics is concerned. All these indicate that even if we are not there, we are progressing well toward the CPD visions of 2030 and NDP 4 EM
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