Writing Drills Thesis and T.O.A
Steps toward developing a Thesis Step #1—identify ALL parts of the question. Underline key nouns, verbs, and dates. Also identify what type of question you have and what it is you are being asked to do. Step #2—Once you have analyzed ALL parts of the question, make a LIST of TERMS that are relevant facts that will support your upcoming argument. Step #3—Complete the X (what is your simple answer the question?) Step #4—Before you fully develop your Y, be sure to think about what argument you will make in order to answer the question. Step #5—Complete the Y (explain the how/why of the X and use your argument) Important note—Each term you use MUST have a complete what and why. In the why, you will need to maintain your argument throughout the essay. We will work on this part in drills.
Sample X and Y X=Answer to the prompt Y=How and Why of the X 2016 LEQ #2 “Evaluate the extent to which United States participation in the First World War (1917-1918) marked a turning point in the nation’s role in world affairs.” X=Take a position to support this by stating yes, yes and no, or no that this event did mark a turning point. (obviously this “answer” is not complete. You need to ask yourself how and/or why is it whatever position you are taking) Y= BECAUSE….it did not BECAUSE….to some extent it did, but in other ways it did not BECAUSE…. u
Thesis Drills Prompt #1: Turning Point Skill Evaluate the extent that the French and Indian War marked a turning point between the American colonists and the British. In the development of your argument, explain what changed and what stayed the same immediately before the period to period immediately following it. Develop X______________________ Develop Y_____________________________________________________________________________ Prompt #2: Continuity and Change Over Time “Some historians argued that political parties developed during the late 18th Century in response to competing visions for the young nation.”. Support, modify, or refute this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify your answer.
Paragraph Development Body Paragraph Topic Sentence #1______________________________________________________________ O#1 A#1 O#2 A#2 Topic Sentence#2________________________________________________________________ O#3 A#3 O#4 A#4 Note: Each “A” must have a cause an effect. Depending on what the question requires depends on your cause/effect analysis. See the next page for an example of how to develop stronger analysis.
Developing Analysis Prompt #1 C— E— Type of question? Turning Point Skill required?
Developing Analysis C--- E--- Type of Question—CC&T Type of Skill--