Nonprofit Kit FOR DUMMIES Green Birds Nonprofit Kit FOR DUMMIES Learn to: Chapter 7, Planning: Why and How Nonprofits Make Plans Chapter 8, Getting the Work Done with Volunteers Chapter 9, Getting the Work Done with Paid Staff Chapter 10, Showing the Money: Budgets and Financial Reports
Why Organizations Plan Preparing to plan Converting plans into action Chapter 7 Planning: Why and How Nonprofits Make Plans Why Organizations Plan Preparing to plan Converting plans into action Making program plans Comparing plans to results Shelia
Recognizing what motivates volunteers Chapter 8 Getting the Work Done with Volunteers Recognizing what motivates volunteers Getting a volunteer program off the ground Finding volunteers Making sure a volunteer is good for your nonprofit Helping volunteers to do their work Expressing your thanks to volunteers Hussain
Preparing your organization for paid employees Chapter 9 Getting the Work Done with Paid Staff Deciding when to hire Preparing your organization for paid employees Taking care of the ground work Interviewing and hiring Getting a new hire started Handle the day-to-day management Working with consultants David
Preparing a budget for an organization Chapter 10 Showing the Money: Budgets and Finacial Reports Preparing a budget for an organization Constructing additional budgets for specific activities Using your budget Anticipating revenue and expenses Putting your financial statement in order Understanding financial statements Adopting good financial practices Kirk
In Summary Ch.7, Planning: Why and How Nonprofits Make Plans Ch. 8, Getting the Work Done with Volunteers Ch.9, Getting the Work Done with Paid Staff Ch. 10, Showing the Money: Budgets and Financial Reports Thank You