Schedule for the FAIR Antiproton Target


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Presentation transcript:

Schedule for the FAIR Antiproton Target K. Knie Magnets Power supplies Vacuum Beam diagnostics "Special insertions": target, horn (pulser), target station

Magnets pbar separator CR dipole 3 24 narrow quadrupole 5 4 wide quadrupole 13 36 sextupole 6

Estimated time for production of one dipole magnet is about 2 months Dipole magnets Required number CR 24 Max. magnetic field [T] 1.6 Bending angle [Grad] 150 Bending radius [m] 8.125 Overall length [m] 2.70 Overall width [m] 2.21 Overall height [m] 1.45 Hor.Vert. good field area [mm] 450 / 140 Overall weight, [t] 49.31 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Planning 14 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 12.1 Manufacturing of series 48.8 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 13.1 Estimated time for production of one dipole magnet is about 2 months

Dipole magnets Two production lines are necessary Required number CR + pbar 24 + 3 Max. magnetic field [T] 1.6 Bending angle [Grad] 150 Bending radius [m] 8.125 Overall length [m] 2.70 Overall width [m] 2.21 Overall height [m] 1.45 Hor.Vert. good field area [mm] 450 / 140 Overall weight, [t] 49.31 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Planning 14 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 12.1 Manufacturing of series 48.8 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 13.1 Two production lines are necessary Estimated time for production of one dipole magnet is about 2 months

Wide Quadrupole Magnets Required number CR 36 Max. field gradient, [T/m] 4.9 Overall length, [m] 1.1 Overall length/height [m] 1.4/1.4 Aperture radius [mm] 156 Hor./Vert. good field area, [mm] 400/180 Overall weight [t] 10 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Compile workpackage descriptions 29.5 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 17.4 Manufacturing of series 60 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 24 Estimated time for production of one wide quadrupole is about 1.5 months

Wide Quadrupole Magnets Required number CR + pbar 36 + 13 Max. field gradient, [T/m] 4.9 Overall length, [m] 1.1 Overall length/height [m] 1.4/1.4 Aperture radius [mm] 156 Hor./Vert. good field area, [mm] 400/180 Overall weight [t] 10 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Compile workpackage descriptions 29.5 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 17.4 Manufacturing of series 60 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 24 Two production lines are necessary Estimated time for production of one wide quadrupole is about 1.5 months

Sextupole magnets Required number CR 24 Max. field gradient, [T/m**2] 10 Overall length, [m] 0.71 Overall length/height [m] 0.9/0.9 Aperture radius [mm] 210 Hor./Vert. good field area, [mm] 400/180 Overall weight [t] 1.4 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Planning 14 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 12 Manufacturing of series 47 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 9.1 Estimated time for production of one sextupole magnet is about 1.6 month

Two production lines are necessary Sextupole magnets Required number CR + pbar 24 + 6 Max. field gradient, [T/m**2] 10 Overall length, [m] 0.71 Overall length/height [m] 0.9/0.9 Aperture radius [mm] 210 Hor./Vert. good field area, [mm] 400/180 Overall weight [t] 1.4 Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Planning 14 Procurement; manufacturing of pre-series 12 Manufacturing of series 47 Shipment; transportation; assembly; bringing into service 9.1 Two production lines are necessary Estimated time for production of one sextupole magnet is about 1.6 month

1 production line / magnet type pbar separator CR dipole 3 24 narrow quadrupole 5 4 wide quadrupole 13 36 sextupole 6

2 production lines / magnet type pbar separator CR dipole 3 24 narrow quadrupole 5 4 wide quadrupole 13 36 sextupole 6

Power Supplies & Vacuum Mostly standard components, no special demands  uncritical

Beam Diagnostics No detailled schedule yet, but: EoI of GSI work already in progress, next to the target: simple detectors (SEM, CERN beam loss monitors) in separator: standard devices (BPMs, screens, grids) which, however, must be adapted for the large beam sizes (similar to Super-FRS and CR).  no time critical devices recognized

Target Station

Target Station

Target Al block Ti window inside: Ni rod (r = 0.15 cm, l = 10 cm) within graphite cylinder (r = 1 cm) air cooling


Magnetic Horn + 400 kA Pulser

Magnetic Horn + 400 kA Pulser A pulser is needed for these tests

Summary delayed: magnets (1 production line) critical: horn pulser less critical: target station, horn uncritical: magnets (2 production lines), vacuum, BD, target, power supplies