Presentation of November 5th class New Media for Tourism Communication Developed by: Luisi, Martinez, Battaini, Luatti and Siric Master in International Tourism 2008/2010 10.9.2018.
Content of presentation Analysis Report of group projects Strategies of internet search engines Google AdWords 10.9.2018.
Analysis Report of group projects Report is made of 2 parts: Common part of Report Table of content Executive summary Goals Knowladge base Methodology 10.9.2018.
Analysis Report of group projects Report is made of 2 parts: Specific part of Report for each group Dante 1 & 2, Cities Dante 3 Learn BiTi 1 & 2 10.9.2018.
Strategies of internet search engines Spidering Automatic submissions Money 10.9.2018.
Strategies of internet search engines Indexing Link popluraty Click popularity Money 10.9.2018.
Google AdWords Use of click popularity example Creating new campaign Target customers (example) Create Ad (example) Choose keywords (example) Set pricing (example) Review and save (example) 10.9.2018.
Gaia, Desiree, Francesco, Giovanni and Jure 10.9.2018.