Employee Handbook An employee handbook guides employees on their employer's policies and procedures concerning the important aspects of employment. Employers of all sizes need a thorough and state-specific employee handbook to ensure compliance with state and federal employment law.
Employee Handbook Employee handbooks contain various employment policies regarding payroll, benefits, harassment, discrimination, dress code, meal, employee’s breaks, time off, and other helpful information.
Employee Handbook Employer Information Cell Phone Policy Background of Employees Performance Reviews Number of Employees Job Abandonment Company Description Retirement Gift Mission Statement Harassment and Discrimination Complaints Employment Status and Confidentiality Company Security Payroll Information Benefits Offered Outside Work and Expense Reports Prior notice when Taking Leave Lunch and Breaks Paid Time Off Offered Time Rounding Jury Duty Leave Dress Code Voting Leave Smoking Policy Your Role
Your Assignment Create an Employee handbook for the company you created in the “Guppy Tank”. Your hand book must have the following: Employer Information Company Description Mission Statement Harassment and Discrimination Complaints (sexual harassment) Company Security (Loss Prevention) Safety Employee Acknowledgment Signature page, with a statement of the importance's of the employee handbook Student are expected to select three other categories of your choice to add to your employee handbook Recommend to teach “Guppy Tank: No Business Too Small STEM Integrated Project” prior to this lesson plan. Students will create a Job Handbook for their company they created in the Guppy Tank lesson plan.
Your Assignment Create an Employee handbook for a company which you shop at: Your hand book must have the following: Employer Information Company Description Mission Statement Harassment and Discrimination Complaints (sexual harassment) Company Security (Loss Prevention) Safety Employee Acknowledgment Signature page, with a statement of the importance's of the employee handbook Student are expected to select three other categories of your choice to add to your employee handbook. This side is the same as above, but is for students who teachers did not teach the “Guppy Tank” lesson plan foo
Grading Scale Create an Employee handbook You handbook must have the following: Employer Information Company Description Mission Statement Harassment and Discrimination Complaints (sexual harassment) 5. Company Security (Loss Prevention) Safety Three other categories of your choice Employee Acknowledgment Signature page, with a statement of the importance's of the employee handbook Grading Scale What you need for an A+ Must have all nine sections covered in employee handbook (Exception if the group has a couch potato) Must give details for each sections Professionally Done Well Written No Grammar Errors Each participant must do their share of work This side is the same as above, but is for students who teachers did not teach the “Guppy Tank” lesson plan foo Definition: Couch Potato – a person who spends little or no time exercising their part in the group project.
Procedures Students will be divided into groups of 4-5 Start by brainstorming your project with your group Select sections that will be in your employee handbook Decide who will do what section Research Organize Type Teacher will give you a due date of when rough draft is due Peer Correction – Each group will evaluate and correct another groups work and give constructive criticism (feedback) for another group After your peers make corrections the original group will get back together and revaluate and make corrections Teacher will give final Due Date Share finished projects with other groups This side is the same as above, but is for students who teachers did not teach the “Guppy Tank” lesson plan foo NOTE: NO COUCH POTATOES ALLOWED: Student’s grades will not be docked for another students incompletions of a section. Those students who do not complete their section will be docked on their grade. *This insures each student to do their part of their work or their grade will reflect it. *This also insures that one student does not have to do extra work and make up work for another student.