Quality Assurance and innovative education a provocative vision for the future and challenge Anthony f. camilleri – Knowledge innovation centre Training of Trainers forum on Sustainable Learning Solutions 11th November 2016
Technological trends Ubiquitous Computing access to computing power any time anywhere Learning Analytics ability to base teaching decisions on data Collaboration Technologies ability to collaborate with anybody in real-time Open Data access to any information any time anywhere Semantic Search ability to talk and converse with machines Personalisation Technologies move away from traditional massification concepts
Social changes mean increased demands from education provide graduates to supply the knowledge economy increase efficiency of processes extend reach of programmes adapt content to ever-changing priorities do more, better, with less
Selected trends in online, open and flexible Higher Education Emergence of Non-Traditional Providers Growing Role of OER Open Data Increasing demand for recognition & portability Mushrooming of Diploma Mills
Growth in Open Educational Resources March 2015: 1139 European MOOCs 220% Year-on-Year Growth Source: openeducationeuropa.eu April 2014: 3045 learning repositories – 7% growth year-on-year with 12 million learning objects Source: repository66.org
Possible future scenario 1 Teaching Performance will be calculated based on reuse of their teaching materials Teacher Pay will be determined by ‘fame’ of their products.
Possible future scenario I1 Teaching Performance will include an ‘efficiency’ component: How much material did you reuse and not have to create?
Emergence of non-traditional providers ‘Hybrid Providers’ mergers of HEIs and Technology companies collaborating on course provision, e.g. Coursera Teaching & Examination Centres teach HE level qualifications using licensed content from universities RPL Universities institutions offering recognition, credentialisation and add-on teaching for RPL Exam-Only Companies designing and/or providing examinations (incl. automated assessment) Publishers providing not only books but online learning communities
Possible future scenarios QA Agencies will become sprawling education regulators QA Agencies will become increasingly irrelevant
FAKE Journals Conferences Courses Institutions mills are on the rise Journals Conferences Courses Institutions Campuses Accreditation the lowest level of Quality is institutionalised fraud FAKE
Possible future scenario Quality Assurance will become a branch of law enforcement
Increased demand for recognition Badges Certificates of attendance Certificates of completion ECTS Diplomas and Degrees Hard/Impossible to map to Qualifications Framework easily mapped to Qualifications Framework
Students Expect HE to provide portable and recognisable qualifications Future scenario Students Expect HE to provide portable and recognisable qualifications Quality Assurance of Qualifications will become widespread (recognition & portability as elements of quality) Marketing of Qualifications will become linked to Consumer Law
Assure Minimal Quality Standards Offer Various Ranking Methodologies Allow for User Review and Rating Give Access to Data Open Data & Quality Technology gives rise to new expectations from the quality ecosystem
Possible future scenario Internal Quality Assurance will become focused on metrics External Quality Assurance will become about verifying metrics
Three Questions for discussion today QA of Learning Processes QA of Teaching Processes QA for Evaluation QA for Improvement How to use Learning Analytics to Improve Quality?
Three Questions for discussion today How to ensure Quality of Certifications? Identity Verification Currency
Three Questions for discussion today How to increase Openness of QA? Assure Minimal Quality Standards Offer Various Ranking Methodologies Allow for User Review and Rating Give Access to Data
Thank you for your attention Download this presentation at: www.slideshare.net/anthonycamilleri Anthony F. Camilleri Anthony@knowledgeinnovationeu