Hawaii The Aloha State Name, class period
Annexation of Hawaii William H. Seward plans annexation of Hawaii through his belief in expansionism. Christian missionaries and American merchants flock to Hawaii and establish sugar plantations. Americans pressure Queen Liluokalani to give over Hawaii and she does to prevent any violence. Hawaii becomes a territory of the U.S. in 1898.
Brief History of Hawaii 1778- British Royal Navy Reaches Hawaii 1810- Hawaii is united into one Kingdom. 1840- Hawaii adopts first constitution 1898- United States Annexes Hawaii 1941- Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor 1959- Hawaii becomes 50th state 1992- Hurricane Iniki kills 4 people and costs $ 2 billion 2002- First female Governor of Hawaii.
Fun Facts The southernmost part of the U.S. is Ka Lae The Hawaiian alphabet consists of 12 letters- a, e, h, l, k, l, m, n, o, p, v, and w. Hawaii was an independent monarchy. Hawaii ranks 47th in size among the 50 states. Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee. From east to west Hawaii is the widest state in the U.S. Hawaii has its own time zone (there is no daylight savings time).
Geography of Hawaii Area: 6,450 square miles Land: 6,425 square miles Haleakela has the largest dormant crater known to man. Kilauea is the most active volcano in the world. The island of Kauai has several short streams and therefore is the only island among the Hawaiian group that can be said to have rivers. The wettest place on earth is Mount Waialeale on the island of Kauai.
Tourism in Hawaii
Everyday Life Top 5 jobs in Hawaii: Communications equipment operators, Clerks, Secretaries and assistants, Tellers, and Emergency dispatchers. Weather: Typically about 80 degrees with slight winds. Two official languages: English and Hawaiian Taxation : Relatively high. This is partly because education, health care, and social services are all provided directly from the state.
Religion Christianity: 351,000 (28.9%) Buddhism: 110,000 (9%) Judaism: 10,000 (0.8%) Other: 100,000 (10%) Unaffiliated: 650,000 (51.1%) “Other” are religions other than Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. “Unaffiliated” means people who do not belong to a congregation, such as atheist, humanist, and irreligious.
Bibliography Fun Facts and Geography: http://www.50states.com/facts/hawaii.htm#.UoYVHiHnbIU Tourism In Hawaii: http://www.google.com Everyday Life: http://www.aimforawesome.com-hawaii http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/hawaii Religion: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/hawaii
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