Spoke section of the ESS linac: - Status of prototypes and CDS-SL P. DUTHIL (CNRS-IN2P3 IPN Orsay / Division Accélérateurs) on behalf of the IPNO team
Prototype cryomodule and valve box Last ESS bi-weekly meeting: May 30th 2017 progress status from this meeting Tests at IPNO: Goal: RF and cryogenic tests of {1 Spoke cavity (Giulietta) + 1 mock-up cavity} the cryomodule was entirely disassembled to change from the {2 mock cavities} configuration to the {1 Spoke cavity + 1 mock-up cavity} one. June: Test Valve box: . ready for cryo tests (repaired, leak tested and set in the Supratech experimental platform) . design of the transport to Uppsala: to design the transportation frames of the prototype cryomodule and valve box, mechanical analysis of the prototype valve box were carried out: eigen modes of the test valve box were estimated; allowable accelerations wrt to the elastic-damping transport frame were evaluated. Cryomodule: . Assembly of the cryomodule under progress (all components repaired) ; . Repaired VLP branch line of the cryogenic jumper of the cryomodule repaired by the manufacturer and delivered on June 14th; integration of this line by IPNO started Helium infrastructures: . Were not (fully) available due to supervision defects valve box cryo tests postponed to July
Prototype cryomodule and valve box Tests at IPNO: Goal: RF and cryogenic tests of {1 Spoke cavity (Giulietta) + 1 mock-up cavity} the cryomodule was entirely disassembled to change from the {2 mock cavities} configuration to the {1 Spoke cavity + 1 mock-up cavity} one. July: Test Valve box: . cryogenic tests performed = cool-down and 4 K mode: C&C tested (PLC controls such as regulation loops, etc.) + cryofluids consumption good results i.e. the valve box was operated and works as expected; preliminary test report sent to ESS. Cryomodule: . cryomodule assembled and leak tested; . cryomodule installed in the Supratech experimental platform; . repaired VLP line of the cryogenic jumper prevented the cryomodule from its connection to the valve box (VLP too long…) Helium infrastructures: . Supervision temporally repaired (new server and OS environment needed)
Prototype cryomodule and valve box Tests at IPNO: Goal: RF and cryogenic tests of {1 Spoke cavity (Giulietta) + 1 mock-up cavity} the cryomodule was entirely disassembled to change from the {2 mock cavities} configuration to the {1 Spoke cavity + 1 mock-up cavity} one. August: Test Valve box: standby (waiting for the cryomodule) Cryomodule: . VLP line of the cryogenic jumper shortened; . cryomodule connected to the valve box; . He leak tests of this connection (multichannel cryogenic line) are carried out if no leak detected: cryomodule and valve box ready for the cryo and RF tests tests to be performed in September. Helium infrastructures: . New server and OS environment being installed . Re-qualification of the He high pressure storage (Pressure Equipment Directive): storage sectors will be successively removed from service for this qualification He storage capacity will be diminished this autumn (ESS experiments should not be affected as ESS is the priority); infras momentary shutdown will be performed; (ESS experiments might be affected)
CDS-SL Schedule: Following the CDR (end of April) a new detailed schedule was sent to ESS on July 5th (to be discussed) Design Design is still under progress Procurements Control (cryogenic) valves: Contact notified on July 19th kick-off meeting on July 20th Heat exchangers: Contract notified on July 12th kick-off meeting on July 21st Valve boxes: Administrative work began (see news from the CNRS procurement department) The date for the publication of the call for tender is targeted to be end of Sept. 2017
CDS-SL SCHEDULE Guidelines: Procurements are divided into several calls for tenders: priory the components which are on the critical path (do not wait for the finalization of the other components) save time on the administrative aspects of the calls for tenders: (smaller budget simpler procedure less administrative time) expect to save time (or not to loose) more human resources involved (calls for tender and manufacturing follow-up) Valve boxes (critical path) production is organized such that: a 1st series valve box is produced and tested at the manufacturer premises (control and tests + LN2 cool-down) = FAT at IPNO: LHe tests then the 12 series valve boxes are produced organization of the series (mass) production during the production of the first valve box: . human resources (team completion) (manufacturers feedback; . materials procurements; check the manufacturing (and design) with the complete test of the first valve box Some milestones: Valve boxes (critical path) Call for tender publication: end of September 2017 Procurement notification : beginning of 2018 1st valve box FAT: end of October 2018 1st valve box delivered to ESS: end of November 2018 Last valve box delivered to ESS: August 2019 CDS-SL installed and tested: beginning October 2019
Thank you for your attention CSP12 28 Novembre 2014 Thank you for your attention