Securing Things RIPE-74 Eliot Lear
What do we wish to avoid
The REAL Problem: Number of Types of Things If we simply talk about 50bn things, we are missing the point. Apple has 1bn things and knows how to manage them. So does Google. Our problem is the number of types of things. We don’t even know how to count types of things. $ $
Who are the actors? Consumers / Enterprises Manufacturers Use the things and connect them to the their networks Manufacturers Build the things May run services the things use Provide updates to things (hopefully) Network vendors Provide infrastructure to consumers and service providers Service Providers Connect consumers and enterprises to the Internet Governments Provide regulatory frameworks ???
What makes things different? Single or small number of uses Thermostat Sling Box Lightbulb Door lock HVAC Thing Manufacturers are experts in their domains, and not networking.
A common design pattern: the cloud Clouds offer- A rendezvous point Substantial processing power Cloud capabilities will continue to expand.
General Threats To Defend Against Attacker causes device to not perform its function or to malfunction Attacker uses device to attack other systems By AMIR MARINE (Wikimedia) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Who do we ask questions of? Consumers are not in a good position to determine what access a Thing needs Never ask someone a question if you have no reason to believe they know the answer Manufacturers know the answer to the question We need to ask them How to present this back to the consumer?
Questions What role do service providers want to play? What role can service providers play? What do we need from manufacturers? What is the role of governments?