JAPANESE MORPHOLOGY Morphology is the scientific study of forms and structures of words in a language Japanese language is agglutinative (forms words by putting together free morphemes) and could be a very complex language One needs to know hiragana, katakana and kanji in order to read Japanese and when to use On-reading and Kun-reading.
COMPOUNDING Combination of two or more free morphemes to form a new word that functions as a single word 2 types of compounds Root compound Word compound 1) ‘kee’ + ‘syoku’ = keesyoku 1) ‘sihoo’ + ‘siken’ = sihoo siken light eating snack judicial exam judicial exam 2) ‘koo’ + ‘soku’ = koosoku 2) ‘kokka’ + ‘keesatu’ = kokka keesatu high speed rapid national police national police
DERIVATION Forming a new word by adding an affix (prefix and/or suffix) to the word. The prefix ‘sai’ expressed the meaning ‘most’ Examples: The suffix ‘san’ (for people) serves as a mark of respect or subject is not known well. The suffix ‘chan’ is used to address children, friends and family members Example: KANJI JAPANESE ROMAJI TRANSLATION 最低 saitei Least,lowest 最新 saishin Latest, newest KANJI JAPANESE ROMAJI TRANSLATION のび太さん Nobita-san Mr. Nobita ニーナちゃん Nina-chan My dear Nina
INFLECTION Adding word endings or modifying the form of the words in order to indicate grammatical functions such as tenses, numbers, and case. In Japanese, genders are NOT indicated by inflections, but through a new different word. Example: TENSES + CASE Present (Positive) Past (Positive) Present (Negative) Past (Negative) 食べる taberu (eat) 食べた tabeta (had eaten) 食べない tabenai (do not eat) 食べなかった tabenakatta (did not eat) 話す hanasu (speak) 話した hanashita (told) 話さない hanasanai (do not speak) 話さなかった hanasanakatta (did not speak)
BORROWING Taking over of words from other languages Examples: ORIGINAL LANGUAGE ORIGINAL WORD MEANING JAPANESE ROMAJI JAPANESE MEANING Portuguese álcool alcohol arukōru vidro glass bīdoro a certain traditional type of glass artifact bola-de-gude Balls of marbles bīdama marbles botão button botan English cake keiki raincoat reinkoto
ONOMATOPOEIA Words that imitates or represent sounds in nature Onomatopoeia in Japanese are of 3 types; GISEIGO: Sounds that people and animals make. GIONGO: Noises that don’t fall under giseigo. Sound effects like the wind blowing, an explosion, or rainfall. GITAIGO: Words that describe actions and emotions that don’t necessarily make noises. It describes more abstract things like facial expressions and feelings.
EXAMPLES GISEIGO GIONGO GITAIGO SOUND OF ROMAJI Cow mooing Moo-moo Pigs oinking Buu-buu GIONGO Sizzle Shuu Wind Zawa GITAIGO Hungry stomach Peko-peko Smiling face Niko-niko
Till we meet again :D Ganbatte ne!!