Determining the effects of peri-procedural fasting in Burn patients: are we meeting nutritional goals and does this affect patient outcomes? Stephanie Joyce MD
Significance Thermal injuries are associated with the greatest metabolic demand Early enteral nutrition improves outcomes, wound healing rates, reduced length of stay and reduced complications EAST guidelines recommend starting enteral nutrition as soon as possible after admission and patient’s should receive at least 80% of recommended daily intake
Preliminary studies Enteral feeding during operative procedures in Thermal Injuries – Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation. 1994 study, included 80 patients. 40 had enteral nutrition continued through the OR via post-pyloric feeding tubes and 40 had enteral nutrition with-held. No patient in either group experienced aspiration. The unfed group demonstrated a significant caloric deficit (p < 0.006) and increased incidence of wound infection (p < 0.02)
Recent Publications 2017 Study from University of Massachusetts looking at Intra- operative feeding Burn protocol included: feeding tube placement, initiation of enteral tube feeding within 24 hours of injury, tube feeds are continued intra-operatively for patients with a secure airway Patients with secure airways (ETT or Tracheostomy) with post- pyloric feeding tubes were included 17 patients received intra-operative feeding, 16 patients did not No intra-operative aspiration or regurgitation events were recorded
EAST Practice Management Guidelines
Study – Data Collection Retrospective review of all patients admitted to the Burn ICU sustaining > 20% TBSA burns since 2012 Data was collected on intubated patients who required > 1 operation while intubated/trach'd Total daily TF volume on OR days and non-OR days Whether TF where held for OR Type of tube and location Aspiration events
Results 45 patients were included Years 2012-2016 Daily % of calculated goal met No safety events noted between patients being fed through the OR and those with tube feeds held (including no documented aspiration events) TF Held OR day Avg - % caloric needs met TF Held Non-OR day Avg TF Not Held OR day Avg TF Not Held Non-OR day Avg 43% 76% 64% 74%
TF Held OR day Avg - % caloric needs met TF Held Non-OR day Avg TF Not Held OR day Avg TF Not Held Non-OR day Avg 43% 76% 64% 74%
Next Step Collect prospective data starting in July Goal – meet 80% of calculated caloric needs on both OR days and non-OR days Continue TF intra-operatively on patients with ESTABLISHED airways who are not undergoing airway surgery or prone positioning
Feeding Through the OR Intubated/Trached Patient Yes No Yes Patient having airway surgery, prone positioning, or upper GI surgery Hold TF at 1:30 AM Hold TF at 1:30 AM No Continue TF. Ensure accurate recording of TF intake prior to OR and then zero pump on call to the OR
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