AIXM 5.1 – Interoperability issues AIXM CCB – Webex 14 SEptember 2017
Agenda Interoperability rules for ICAO data sets Integration with coding guidelines for the AIP Data Set Open points Metadata requirements / solution for AIP Data Set Feature identification properties list
Interoperability scenarios Reason for scenarios Some interoperability issues (such as discordant UUID) are likely to have different solutions in different use cases If this is not really the case, the scenarios could be merged in the end… Proposed scenarios (in the order of priorities) AIS publishing data under ICAO SARPS (including provision of data to DAT providers or to another ANSP) Hub scenario (EAD, other regional implementations) Including data coordination with other hubs Data originator(s) to/from ANSP (particular case – procedure designer, airport data originator) Other possible scenarios (for later) Data merge between FIXM, AIXM and iWXXM data sets Large scale SWIM interoperability exercises using multiple non-coordinated data sets (such as in the SESAR or FAA demonstrations) Use of AIXM data for simulators? Digital NOTAM (world-wide) IMP “services” AIP Data Set – content coding guidelines Ready (with Proposed status) New ICAO AIS Manual (volume IV) will very likely refer to these coding guidelines References need to be stable by end September Technical Interoperability rules Urgent need to integrate what is mature Open issue to me mentioned as “work in progress” Work will continue in Google Docs See Confluence… AIP Data Set
Metadata Main issues Unclear which metadata should actually be provided by originator to AIS and further to the next intended users Current Annex 15, ADQ regulation (in Europe), etc. New Annex 15 / PANS-AIM – a new basis for discussions The ISO 19139 XML schema extremely complex extremely verbose embedded in the GML schema
Metadata Working directory created in Google Drive Initial discussion on 18 July - Actions Eurocontrol (Scott Wilson) -> analysis and proposal [input] Metadata requirements - AIP Data Set [proposal] Analysis of ICAO metadata requirements [proposal] ICAO metadata requirements - mapping and encoding (ISO) FAA -> map the FAA metadata model to ISO 19115 Done, can it be shared? Everyone -> comments in Google Docs FAA comments on one of the previous OGC , can it be shared?
ICAO Metadata Analysis
METADATA Proposed way forward Use the two documents prepared by Scott Wilson as main working documents because they are directly targeting the ICAO Data Set [proposal] Analysis of ICAO metadata requirements [proposal] ICAO metadata requirements - mapping and encoding (ISO) Objective – final proposal before mid October To be included in the AIP Data Set coding guidelines (Confluence) Consider the FAA metadata model, Europe ADQ and other regional metadata requirements as “extensions”
Feature identification properties What for ICAO Data Sets Identify duplicates by “natural key” (data verification rules) Use in xlink:title? Use for creating a human-readable summary of data set? Possible to implement as a service (with XSLT scripts) Other use cases Support applications that work with natural keys? Work in progress
Global issues list No new enties Needs a clean-up…
Next meeting Next Webex Proposed: FRI 13 October 14:30 – 16:30 Brussels time Work items topics expected to progress in the meantime Metadata requirements / solution for AIP Data Set Other open topics Feature identification properties list