Hazlo Ahora List 5 new vocabulary words about the school. Tanto is used for what 2 expressions in English? Tanto must agree in gender and number. What do gender and number mean? Translate to English: No hay tantos jugadores de baloncesto como jugadores de futbol americano. Translate to Spanish: For two years, Alex and Jenner are members of the hockey team.
La fecha es 20 de noviembre del 2014. El Objetivo: SWBAT review Unit 1.
Project Day Rubric Score 1 Score 3 Score 5 Evidence of Planning Students will create a brochure in which they describe a school for incoming students (can be fictitious or Hispanic). In the brochure, students must: compare their school, teams, and subject areas to other schools; describe extracurricular activities their school offers; list school rules in SPANISH. Students should decorate their brochures with pictures and drawings and present them to the class. Rubric Score 1 Score 3 Score 5 Evidence of Planning No sketch or draft in class Draft written hastily and talked most of class Used work time wisely. Shows evidence of a plan Your use of illustration You include no photos or visuals You include very few photos or visuals You include several photos or visuals Your presentation You include little of the required information You include at least three rules, extracurricular activities, and comparisons You include four or more rules, extracurricular activities, and comparisons.