European History #1 Regents Review
Ancient Greece Polis— Athens (direct democracy) and Sparta – Military.
Ancient Greece Philosophers, Homer, Olympics, Columns and Parthenon (Architecture)
Ancient Greece Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture.
Roman Empire Representative Democracy – Republic Senate, veto, “innocent until proven guilty.”
Roman Empire Julius Caesar, Emperor Augustus “Pax Romana.”
Roman Empire Aqueducts, columns, domes, and arches.
Roman Empire Persecution of Early Christians, later acceptance. Eastern part survives as Byzantine Empire.
Middle Ages Rome fell, Germanic culture reigns. Fight, farm, go to church. No education, no government, so feudalism set up. Lord, Vassal, knight, serf.
Middle Ages Dominance of Catholic Church with the power of excommunication. Charlemagne and the spread of Christianity.
High Middle Ages/Crusades/Commercial Revolution Christians vs. Muslims over the Holy Land. Muslims victory due to a Golden Age and cultural diffusion to the Christians.
High Middle Ages/Crusades/Commercial Revolution European awakening from the Dark Ages Trade returns to Europe, especially Italy.
Renaissance “Re-birth of Greco-Roman culture. Began in Italy. Patrons of the Arts, like the Medicis. Focus on the individual more, religion less--humanism
Renaissance Develop all talents “Renaissance Man” like Da Vinci. Machiavelli, Shakespeare, More-”utopia.”
Renaissance Writing in everyday languages—Vernacular instead of Latin. Gutenburg invents the Printing Press. Heliocentric Theory of Copernicus, Galileo.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther, sale of indulgences and “95 Theses.” End of religious unity – Catholic, Protestant (even Orthodox). John Calvin “pre-destination.”
Protestant Reformation Henry VIII – desire for an annulment and an heir. Set up of the Protestant Anglican Church of England.
Exploration Old Imperialism – motivated by Gold, God, Glory and search for an all-water route to the East for Spices. Exploration leads to colonization-Spain and Portugal in Latin America. America, France and England in North America.
Exploration French and Indian War also known as “Seven Years War.”
Absolute Monarchy Divine Right theory of power coming from God. France – Louis XIV—the “Sun King.” Russia – CZAR Peter the Great – modernize, Westernize, Europeanize with the Window to the West”--St. Petersburg.
Absolute Monarchy England’s Limited Monarchy – the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Civil War, Cromwell and the Glorious Revolution.
Enlightenment Reaction to the abuses of Absolute Monarchy. John Locke— natural rights, right of revolution. Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire. Connection to the American Revolution and Jefferson. Connection to the French Revolution
French Revolution Louis XVI, Old Regime, unfair Estates system and unfair taxation of the 3rd Estate. Rise of the Bourgeoisie or Middle Class Tennis Court Oath, the Storming of the Bastille and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
French Revolution Radical phase, Reign of Terror, led by Robespierre. Napoleon comes to power as dictator, Building an empire and the rise of nationalism, Napoleonic Code.