Political Revolutions ** Caused by a government failing to meet the needs of the people!!!!
Glorious Revolution (England, 1688) Causes Effects Magna Carta Puritan Revolution Established Parliamentary Democracy Bloodless change of power Rise of Limited/ Constitutional Monarchy English Bill of Rights Democratic Reforms
Political Philosophies Spur Revolution Era of Absolutism- Peter and Catherine the Great- Akbar the Great- Suleiman the Magnificent- Louis XIV Political system with ONE monarch: high taxes, strong military, NO LEGISLATIVE BODY Enlightened Despot Westernized Russia, gained warm-water ports India, very tolerant of diverse religions Ottoman Empire: modernized military and laws, Muslim France: Palace of Versailles bankrupt, divine right
Political Philosophies Spur Revolution Enlightenment- John Locke- Voltaire- Montesquieu- Rousseau- Intellectual movement focused on human logic and reason; change relationship btwn people and gov’t NATURAL RIGHTS!!! People have right to overthrow gov’t if they’re not being met Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly Checks and Balances; 3 branches of gov’t; More people power The Social Contract, believed in the will of majority
French Revolution (1789-1799) Causes Effects Death of King creation of democracy Reign of terror Rise of Napoleon spread of nationalism defeat by Russia’s geography Congress of Vienna (balance of power) Enlightenment American Revolution Absolute Monarchy Rigid Estate (class) system Economic Problems
Russian Revolution (Bolsheviks, 1917) Causes Effects Absolute Monarch (Czar) Russo-Japanese War and WWI Bloody Sunday Poor peasants Lack of Industrialization Rise of Communists (Bolsheviks) Creation of a communist state (Soviet Union) Persecution of Dissenters Lenin’s New Economic Policy (some private ownership) Stalin’s Five Year Plan (collectives and Increased industrialization)
Chinese Communist Revolution (1949) Causes Effects Communist state under Mao Zedong Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution Equality of women Deng Xiaoping- economic freedom (Four Modernizations) but not political (Tiananmen Square) Foreign (Japan) Imperialism Chinese Civil War (Communist v. Nationalists) - Communists win support of peasant and women
Iranian Revolution (1979) Causes Effects Corrupt Shah -Islamic Fundamentalist Gov’t led by Ayatollah Khomeini (Islamic Fundamentalism movement that opposes Westernization and supports traditional Islam) -U.S. Hostage Crisis - Anti-Iraq, Anti-West, Anti-Secular (Secular = non-religious Corrupt Shah Anti-Western feelings Rise in Islamic Fundamentalism