Key Concept 5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, & Reform Mr. Millhouse – AP World History – Hebron H.S.
The Enlightenment Enlightenment philosophers, such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke, Montesquieu, applied new ways of understanding the natural world to human relationships, religion, and politics
Influence of the Enlightenment Enlightenment thinkers influenced resistance to existing political authority Required examples of revolutionary documents: American Declaration of Independence French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Simon Bolivar’s Jamaica Letter Enlightenment ideas also challenged existing notions of social relations such as Expanded suffrage (rise of democracy) Reform Bill of 1832 19th Amendment (1919) Abolition of slavery End of serfdom
Rise of Nationalism Nationalism brought nations together Germany Otto von Bismarck Italy Nationalism tore empires apart Ottomans & Greek independence Nationalism goes global Indian National Congress Chinese Nationalist Party Gandhi is a major nationalist leader next unit!
Rising Discontent with Imperial Rule Subjects challenged imperial governments Potential examples: China: Taiping Rebellion Russia: Pugachev Rebellion (failed) Required examples of successful rebellions: American Revolution French Revolution Haitian Revolution Latin American independence movements
Slaves Challenged Existing Authority Nat Turner Rebellion (1831) was one of several slave rebellions in North America
Questioning imperial authority + nationalism = anticolonial movements Potential examples of anticolonial movements include: Sepoy Rebellion 1757 Boxer Rebellion 1900 (pictured above)
Rebellions with Religious Influence Potential examples of rebellions influenced by religious ideas and millenarianism include: Taiping Rebellion 1850-1865 (pictured above) Mahdi in Egypt, Sioux Indian Ghost Dance movement, etc.
Frequent rebellions led to reforms in imperial policies Potential examples of reform movements include: Tanzimat Reforms in Ottoman Empire (pictured above) Self-Strengthening Movement in China
Rise of new transnational ideologies Discontent with monarchist and imperial rule encouraged the development of political ideologies including liberalism, socialism, and communism
Rise of feminism & women’s suffrage Potential examples of demands for women’s suffrage and the rise of feminism: Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Seneca Falls Conference of 1848 (8th grade U.S. history)
Key Concept 6.2 Global Conflicts & Their Consequences Mr. Millhouse – AP World History – Hebron H.S.
Collapse of Ottoman Empire The Young Turks ousted the last Ottoman sultan in 1908. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk gained independence for Turkey after World War I.
The Russian Revolution
Causes of Russian Revolution Intellectuals Transfer Loyalty Enlightenment, Socialists, & Communists Middle Class Leadership Failure of Tsarist government to expand political representation after Revolution of 1905 Vladimir Lenin Lower Class Anger Proletariat, peasants, members of the military World War I caused an economic collapse Failure of Force: World War I
Effects of Russian Revolution Vladimir Lenin rules after Reds (communists) win Russian Civil War Creates the Comintern (Communist International) to unite communist movements around the world Joseph Stalin replaces Vladimir Lenin Creates the U.S.S.R. Five-Year Plans Copied by other China, Brazil, etc. Collectivization of Agriculture Great Purge Kills 10-20 million people
Fall of Qing Dynasty Sun Yatsen took power after the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. Sun attempted to institute his Three Principles of the People: democracy, nationalism, socialism.
Negotiated Independence: India While Gandhi played a major role in India’s independence in 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru was the 1st prime minister of India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was Pakistan’s 1st governor-general
Independence Through Armed Struggle Thich Quang Duc used self-immolation to protest violence in Vietnam in 1963. Vietnam was finally unified in 1975 after defeating the French & the United States.
Nationalist Leaders Challenge Imperial Rule Illustrative examples of nationalist leaders and parties: Indian National Congress Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana
Movements to Redistribute Land & Resources developed in Africa, Asia, Latin America
Movements to Redistribute Land & Resources developed in Africa, Asia, Latin America Chinese Communist Revolution 1949
Movements to Redistribute Land & Resources developed in Africa, Asia, Latin America Fidel Castro
Movements to Redistribute Land & Resources developed in Africa, Asia, Latin America Iranian Revolution 1979