is unfortunately over… The Honeymoon is unfortunately over…
Fold the homework/classwork paper! The advantage for me: I can correct faster. The advantage for you: You can skip problems you don’t understand, leave a space, ask a question later in class and still keep all problems in order.
Follow the homework format Follow the homework format! (Name, date and period: 1st box; Assignment title: 2nd box) The advantage for me: I know what I’m marking. The advantage for you: You know what I’ve marked.
Date your opener! Circle what it is! Write your period! The advantage for me: I know which opener/exit/reflection your answering. The advantage for you: You don’t have to jump around the paper any more.
Redo your homework or classwork Redo your homework or classwork! (Staple the old behind the new; usually it will be the same problems…but sometimes it may not be.) The advantage for me: I see that you get it. The advantage for you: You improve your grade and your knowledge base.
Do the reflections! (3 complete, grammatically correct sentences that describe a process and result.) The advantage for me: You think critically. The advantage for you: You earn extra credit and maybe pick up a new habit.
Attempt the homework extra credit! (It’s all or nothing!) The advantage for me: You get extra practice. The advantage for you: You earn extra credit and challenge yourself.
Stop using the teacher’s answer key Stop using the teacher’s answer key! (It’s SHOW YOUR WORK from here on out…or it’s wrong!) The advantage for me: I know you know it. The advantage for you: You will pass the assessments with ease…and they’re 60% of your grade. Homework/classwork is only 30%.
See the little plus sign. + See the little plus sign? +? (That’s your sign that you’ve earned extra credit!) The advantage for me: I won’t forget to give you your extra credit. The advantage for you: You’ll know that I didn’t forget to give you your extra credit.
I have no sympathy for missing work. NONE I have no sympathy for missing work! NONE! (It’s on the website; it’s on the board in 208. Even Openers and Exits can be made up by accessing the Opener document on the website! The previous Opener is always just below the current Opener when it’s projected.) The advantage for me: I don’t need to hear excuses. The advantage for you: You learn responsibility.
Staple multiple pages. (It’s in my upper right desk drawer Staple multiple pages! (It’s in my upper right desk drawer! Just grab it...AND RETURN IT!!!) The advantage for me: I don’t lose your second and third pages (because you never seem to put your name at the top of each one) when I unfortunately drop my folders and the papers spill out all over the place. The advantage for you: You don’t moan and groan when I tell you, “All I had was one page. I guess you’ll have to redo it.”
Don’t answer just part of a problem. (Read the WHOLE question Don’t answer just part of a problem! (Read the WHOLE question!!! The WHOLE question is the WHOLE point!) The advantage for me: Once again, I know you know it. The advantage for you: You won’t see a big red X on your work.
Don’t copy. (Work together but don’t Xerox Don’t copy! (Work together but don’t Xerox! You’re not only copying someone else’s wrong answer but you’re writing so fast and furiously that you’re copying incorrectly!) The advantage for me: And yet again…I know you know it. The advantage for you: And yet again…you won’t be at a loss on assessments. You will have practiced.
Stop the sloppiness. Stop the Pokemon-sized letters and numbers Stop the sloppiness! Stop the Pokemon-sized letters and numbers! (Don’t create 16 boxes on one side of a folded paper! Create 6 or 8 and use two sheets of paper! I’m sorry for the trees who sacrificed their lives for you but…) The advantage for me: I can read your work. The advantage for you: You might learn from my corrections.
Use √s and Xs when marking Use √s and Xs when marking! (And print your name in the bottom of the name box! And put a fractional score of numer correct over total number of problems in the name box too!) The advantage for me: I can quickly see what problems the class as a whole is having problems with. The advantage for you: You can quickly see which problems you will have to redo.