Programme 9.30 – 10.00 Registration and coffee 10.00 Welcome 10.10 The PFI partnership journey 10.40 Sustainable buildings: A KTP success story 11.00 Transforming the sheltered housing service delivery model 11.20 Outcomes realised through the KTP partnership 11.30 Group work – to be determined 12.20 Concluding remarks 12.30 – 1.00pm LUNCH Preventative and Enabling Housing for Older People: Making a Difference 10th December 2014. 09.30 – 1.00pm Northern Design Centre, Gateshead Quays North Tyneside Council and Northumbria University Free Event! ? Are you promoting older people’s health and well being? **Aim of the Event** To share with planners and providers, the experience of developing a PFI partnership and transforming the sheltered housing service delivery model to deliver preventative and enabling services Target Audience Housing Planners Housing Providers Housing Agencies/Companies Older People Service Commissioners and Providers **Outcomes of the event* * Learn more about partnership working for effective delivery of older people, integrated housing, health, and social care services ; Learn about KTP funding; Share ideas about how to transform services and make a difference. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis. Please respond to: Prof. Glenda Cook: