World History - Mass Society Triangle Shirtwaist Fire - 1911 Czar Nicholas II of Russia Albert Einstein
Mass Society & Democracy Industrial Prosperity 100 200 300 400 500 Mass Society 100 200 300 400 500 Governments & Democracy 100 200 300 400 500 Modern Art & Architecture 100 200 300 400 500 Terms, People and Stuff 100 200 300 400 500
What is the internal-combustion engine? MAIN The mass production of this new invention led to the easy availability of millions of automobiles, the ability for large ocean liners to cross the seas, and the development of the airplane. SUBJECT: 2nd Industrial Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
Who was Karl Marx? This man wrote in The Communist MAIN This man wrote in The Communist Manifesto that the working class and peasants of industrial countries would overthrow the ‘New Elite’ industrialists and form a more equal society. SUBJECT: 2nd Industrial Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What is the proletariat? MAIN Socialist/Marxist theory labeled the owners of wealth as the bourgeoisie, and the working class and peasants as this SUBJECT: 2nd Industrial Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What are Revisionists? MAIN Marxists could be placed into two categories: Communists who believed that a violent overthrow of the Bourgeoisie was necessary, and these folks who rejected revolution and preferred politics SUBJECT: 2nd Industrial Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What is Great Britain? MAIN Unionized workers in this country were the first to be allowed to strike for better pay and conditions in 1870. SUBJECT: 2nd Industrial Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What was the Middle Class? MAIN On top was the New Elite of European nobility and wealthy industrialists. Near the bottom were the working class who filled the factories. In between was this growing group of professionals, bankers, lawyers and small businessmen 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
What is Education? MAIN Industrialization and mass movements of people into cities created a need to train children to work in these places when they grew up. To do this, European and American governments created systems of Universal ______________. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
What is Feminism? MAIN Changes for women in job opportunities and family dynamics led to movements for women’s rights. What is the term to describe this movement. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
What is Feminism? MAIN Changes for women in job opportunities and family dynamics led to movements for women’s rights. What is the term to describe this movement. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
What was nursing? MAIN Amalie Sieveking of Germany, Florence Nightingale of Great Britain and Clara Barton of the United States each contributed to making this career dominated by women one that was respected as a middle- class profession. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
Who was Emmeline Pankhurst? MAIN A very aggressive women’s rights advocate was this leader of the Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick who sometimes used violent expression in Germany to push for equal-citizenship rights for women. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Mass Society 200 100
What was France? MAIN After the removal of the Bourbon royal family and Napoleon Bonaparte, this nation created its Third Republic with a new constitution and Presidential/parliamentary democracy in 1875. 500 SUBJECT: Governments & Democracy 400 300 200 100
What is Germany? MAIN In 1871, a new constitution was adopted by this new country in Central Europe, and Kaiser Otto Von Bismark led a parliamentary government with a prime minister (chancellor) and other ministerial leaders. 500 SUBJECT: Governments & Democracy 400 300 200 100
What was The Duma? MAIN A violent revolution by the working masses in Russia led to a violent revolt against Czar Nicholas II in 1905, and forced him to create a new Russian parliament called this 500 SUBJECT: Governments & Democracy 400 300 200 100
What is Austria-Hungary? MAIN This unstable empire of Germans, Serbs, Bosnians, Czechs, Maygars, Poles and others was ruled by a dual monarchy, dominated by Francis Joseph. SUBJECT: Governments & Democracy 500 400 300 200 100
What was the Triple Alliance? MAIN From lessons learned during the Franco- Prussian War, the rulers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed this to protect each other in case of future conflict against France or Russia. 500 SUBJECT: Governments & Democracy 400 300 200 100
What is Impressionism? MAIN Artists like Claude Monet introduced this art style by capturing the interactions between water, sky and light. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Art & Architecture 100
What is Functionalism? MAIN This architectural style championed by Frank Lloyd Wright stressed the usefulness of the design by its owner 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Art & Architecture 100
Who was Pablo Picasso? MAIN The shocking new artistic style of Cubism developed by this artist uses geometric shapes to recreate reality for the audience. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Art & Architecture 100
What is symbolism? MAIN Authors of this literary style are influenced by the psychological discoveries of Sigmund Freud and expresses in its poetry and prose that the written expression of objective reality is impossible. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Art & Architecture 100
What are amusement parks, pro sports teams and dance halls/clubs ? MAIN Name two businesses that were created in Europe and America to give working people leisure activities on their time off from work. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Art & Architecture 100
Who was Albert Einstein? MAIN This former Swiss patent clerk discovered the Theory of Relativity and is credited with being the most far-thinking physicist in his day 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
This pioneer in psychology wrote The Interpretation of Dreams Who was Sigmund Freud? MAIN This pioneer in psychology wrote The Interpretation of Dreams 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What was Marie Curie? MAIN In 1910, This French scientist studying radium discovered that some elements emit radioactivity. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What is Social Darwinism ? MAIN This theory emerged in this period that combined the Natural Selection theory of Charles Darwin and the societal belief that superior races are supposed to dominate inferior races. It is this belief that will lead to horrible crimes against Jews and others 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What was the Triple Entente MAIN Responding to the alliance between Austria, Germany and Italy; the French and Russians, followed by the British, created this prewar alliance in 1907. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100