Welcome to our New Parents’ Meeting 14th June 2017
Our Staff... Morning Session: Mrs Roberts & Mrs Lyons 8.30am – 11.30am Afternoon Session: Mrs Jordan & Mrs Bouch 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Visits... Half an hour – parents and children Children already in nursery will continue with their normal routine An opportunity to play, chat, get to know each other, become familiar with the nursery environment Please bring a photograph
September start dates... Staggered intake – so all the children start in a small group ( morning group only) Please make a careful note of the dates Afternoon group start on 5.9.17
At the beginning of the session... Please come into the nursery with your child and hang up their coat Self register Settle them in their play Talk to staff if there is an issue Go when happy
A typical nursery session... Play – inside and outside Build relationships with staff and peers Have fun Experience a range of directed and child initiated activities
Snack... Rolling snack - 4 out of 5 days We offer a variety of healthy snacks £2.00 per week – please put in the little drawer Please inform us (on the confidential sheet) if your child has any allergies
Clothes... Please don’t send your child in their best clothes – they will get messy! Comfortable, practical clothes are best Please think about making it easy for your child to go to the toilet independently Please name coats, shoes, tops, hats/gloves that they are likely to take off Please send in a pair of pumps and wellies to keep in nursery Jogging bottoms or leggings on Friday – P.E./Dance
Home time... Please wait in the garden We will call children one at a time Please inform us if someone different is to collect Ring to inform school if your child is absent
Forms... Data collection form – please bring this on your visit Intimate care form – please bring this on your visit Early Education Funding form All about me booklet - please bring this on your visit
Our thoughts... It is a privilege to be working with you and your children. We look forward to being an integral part of their first steps on their learning journey. We place great emphasis on developing a strong partnership and it is vital that we share information and knowledge about your child with each other.
And finally... Any questions ? Please come and have a look around the nursery.