What do you need? Planning sheet – classwork section of binder Sample essay from yesterday - classwork section of binder Text set in Performance Assessment workbook
Do People who take risks have a right to rescue services?
You will be able to: read a text set to develop a claim supported by text from multiple sources, cite evidence, and elaborate to illustrate in depth understanding of the texts
Step one Read the text sets Highlight evidence for yes, people who take risks deserve access to rescue service one color Highlight evidence for no, people who take risks do not deserve access to rescue service another color
Now make a Key on page 22 Yes = No = Time to begin reading and highlighting evidence for both sides of the argument. When you are done, review the highlighting. Does one side have more evidence? Time to begin planning!
Step two – time to plan Make a claim Develop TWO Reasons Evaluate the best evidence to support the reasons Write the counter claim. Find evidence to prove the other side wrong
Keep the scoring rubric in mind PFO – must be argumentative and be organized 4-3-2-1 (passing 4/3) EE – pull strong evidence and EXPLAIN 4-3-2-1 (passing 4/3) Conventions – few errors; no patterns of errors 2-1 (passing 1/2
Step Three – Time to Draft Review your planning sheet to choose the reason with the strongest evidence. Write one body paragraph and the counterclaim paragraph