OTITIS MEDIA Prof. Mahmoud El Samaa Prof. of ENT, HN Surgery Ain Shams University
CHOLESTEATOMA the Dangerous Ear
MRI CT scan T2 T1+ gad T1 contrast density Lesion Schwannoma CT & MRI Characteristics T2 T1+ gad T1 contrast density Lesion Schwannoma Vascular Cholesteatoma CSF cyst Cholesterol granuloma
ATTIC CHOLESTEATOMA Bone window Soft tissue window
Attic retraction sac with intact malleus Attic & mesotympanal cholesteatoma Ossicles erosion (malleus & stapes)
Cholesteatoma cavity with sequestrum Attic Cholesteatoma Cholesteatoma cavity with sequestrum
Huge Cholesteatoma
Sinus plate erosion AXIAL CUT CORONAL CUT
Tegmen Erosion CORONAL AXIAL
Mastoid Cortex erosion Erosion of cortex & sinus plate
hypodense subcutaneous collection MASTOID ABSCESS Soft tissue window: hypodense subcutaneous collection
Cholesteatoma, with exposure of facial nerve in tympanic portion Cholesteatoma, no exposure of facial nerve in tympanic portion
BUT?? Bone window: Cholesteatoma cavity Soft tissue: Cerebellar abscess
Bone Window Soft tissue window
Cerebellar abscess MRI
CT with extensive bone erosion, reaching to petrous apex & eroding SCC Bezold Abscess CT with extensive bone erosion, reaching to petrous apex & eroding SCC
AXIAL MRI T1: hypointense T1 Gd: hyperintense=pus T2: heterogenous (pus)
CORONAL MRI T2 T1Gd T2: showing the track of extension of infection beneath sheath of sternomastoid
Value of imaging in cholesteatoma: diagnosis extent lateral canal or cochlear fistula intracranial complications erosion of walls of middle ear and mastoid relation to facial nerve
Serious Condition
Cholesterol Granuloma Petrous Apex Cholesterol Granuloma