Welcome to Year 5! Thank you all for your support and making me feel so welcome this year.
This year we are exploring ourselves and the world around us. Throughout the year the children will be encouraged to ask critical questions to further their understanding of every area in the curriculum.
WILF We have adopted Wilf who comes around the classroom and helps the children focus on ‘What I’m Looking For’
English - writing Identify the purpose of writing – we will be exploring how to write for different audiences: diary writing, descriptive writing, writing to argue and to explain. Organise writing – we will be using paragraphing, bullet points and other organisational features in different forms of writing. Presentation will become Spelling – silent letters and homophones, commonly misspelt words.
English Reading Reading a range of writing in both fiction and non-fiction – including literary heritage (Hard Times, poetry, and modern text) Identifying morphology and etymology of words Predicting what will happen next in a story Inferring meaning Finding evidence to justify a point of view and explaining it (PEE).
English Homework Given at least once a week – however, it is an expectation that reading happens every evening
Maths The operations of larger numbers Fractions Factors of numbers Prime and composite numbers Perimeters and areas of rectangles Homework on the four operations is given every night and checked the next morning
Space Our theme of space is explored this term in year 5. In Science we are looking at forces and how they control us in the space. We will also explore the Solar System In PE we are developing an understanding of how we can control ourselves in the space. Sports this term include hockey and rugby, and in gymnastics and dance we are looking at different ways to travel through the space.
Vikings! Our second topic this half term is Vikings. We are discovering the chronology of the Vikings. We are evaluating the difference they made to the way of life in what we now call the UK. In art and DT we are looking at how they interpreted their world and how this was reflected in their art. We will also be making bread. We will be writing Kenning Poetry
RE The children will be encouraged to think about what it means to be part of God’s family. We will be looking at our relationship with God and using The Bible to understand how God is a loving heavenly father. We will look at the sacraments as a way of consolidating this so that the children start to see the purpose of the Church in more detail.
Trips *Advanced Warning!* Residential – in the summer term. A letter will go out about this after half term. Viking research – The British Museum – after half term The Greenwich Observatory – closer to Christmas
Later this year… We will also be looking at different types of soil and climates/climate change The Origin of Theatre and Ancient Greece