The Great Fire of London Literacy Phonics – continue to practise letter sounds and learn new spelling rules. Applying our phonics skills to our reading in order to develop fluency and accuracy when reading aloud and in our heads. Developing our speaking and listening skills through drama activities linked to The Great Fire of London e.g. Hot-seating Samuel Pepys, Thomas Farrinor, King Charles etc. Focussed sentence/word work – using nouns phrases and adjectives in writing. Looking at different conjunctions to expand sentences. Looking at features of texts and writing for different purposes, e.g. Newspapers, poetry, instructional and diary writing. Science Materials unit of work. Knowing what objects are made from and understanding why they might be made from this. Which materials are natural and man-made. Using vocabulary to describe properties of materials. Grouping and comparing materials. Maths Counting in steps of 2, 3 and 5 forwards and backwards. Comparing and ordering numbers Recalling addition facts to 10, 20 and 100 Sequencing numbers , measures and intervals of time. Adding and subtracting two digit numbers and solving problems. Finding ways to make £1, adding amounts of money and giving change. Recognising 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Sorting shapes, lines of symmetry and repeating patterns. The Great Fire of London PE Games – developing ball skills. Gymnastics – movement and sequencing. Using high and low. RE Enquiry Question: Why did God give Jesus to the world? The Nativity Story. History Developing sense of chronology and time – when did the Great Fire of London happen? Sequencing historical events. Asking questions and finding answers using a range of sources. Evaluating sources e.g. Eye-witness accounts. Identify differences between then and now. Profiling historical figures – Samuel Pepys. Art/DT Making our own poppies for Remembrance Day. Building Tudor houses – 3D cardboard structures. Creating drawings and sketches of The Great Fire of London using different media and materials. PSHE Out and About (Learn 4 Life). Knowing how to stay safe. Fire safety talks- how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if there is a fire. Computing Composing emails and collecting data. E-safety links Music Using our voice – singing skills. Taking on our roles for the Nativity play. Year 2 – Term 2