I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt. Objective I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Activating Prior Knowledge You already know how to answer questions about yourself. What is your favorite movie and why? My favorite movie is ____ because ____. Since you can answer questions about yourself when speaking, today you will learn how to answer questions about text using writing. Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt. Concept Directions: Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt. Writing Situation: You will listen to the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears and write a response to the story. As you listen to the story, think carefully about Goldilocks’s manners. Writing Prompt: Did Goldilocks demonstrate good manners? Explain why or why not. When writers address a prompt, they respond to a writing task. When a writer clearly addresses all of the writing task, this means they have responded to all parts of the writing task. In the book, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks did not use good manners. One example of bad manners was when Goldilocks walked into the bears’ home without permission. Another way she was rude in the story was when she sat in each of their chairs and broke the one that was too small. She even slept in Baby’s bed without asking! These events prove that Goldilocks did not use good manners. Writing Rubric 4 3 2 1 Clearly addresses all of the writing task Addresses most of the writing task Addresses some of the writing task Addresses only one part of the writing task This writer clearly addressed all of the writing task. I know this because ___________________. Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt. Concept Directions: Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt. Writing Situation: You will listen to the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears and write a response to the story. As you listen to the story, think carefully about Goldilocks’s manners. Writing Prompt: Did Goldilocks demonstrate good manners? Explain why or why not. When writers address a prompt, they respond to a writing task. When a writer clearly addresses all of the writing task, this means they have responded to all parts of the writing task. In the book, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks did not use good manners. First, Goldilocks walked into the bears’ home. Next, she broke their chair. She messed up their beds. She was rude. Writing Rubric 4 3 2 1 Clearly addresses all of the writing task Addresses most of the writing task Addresses some of the writing task Addresses only one part of the writing task This writer addressed some of the writing task. I know this because ___________________. Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Relevance A. If you can explain how a writer addresses a prompt, then you will be able to improve your own writing. B. If you can explain how a writer addresses a prompt, you will be able to connect to your audience with your own writing. C. Student Choice ____ is most relevant to me because _____ . Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Directions: Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt. Writing Situation: You will listen to the story The Three Little Pigs and write a response to the story. As you listen to the story, think carefully about how each pig’s decision affected their life. Writing Prompt: Write a response to literature to explain how the pig’s are different based on the decisions they make. Use examples from the story to support your opinion. Skill 1. Read the prompt and identify the writing tasks. 2. Discuss how a writer should address the writing prompt. 3. Read the text to identify how the writer addresses the prompt. 4. Explain how a writer addressed the prompt 1. In the story, The Three Little Pigs, the pigs made different choices about how they built their houses. 2. The first little pig built his house out of straw. 3. This decision showed how the little pig thought playing was more important than working. 4. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. 5. His decision showed how he was more careful than the first pig, but still did not want to put in all of his effort. 6. The last little pig chose to build his house out of bricks. 7. This pig’s decision showed that he was a good planner, patient, and hard working. 8. Each pig’s decision affected their lives in different ways. May be repeated multiple times with additional samples This writer ______ the writing task. I know this because _________.
Directions: Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt. Writing Situation: You will listen to the story The Three Little Pigs and write a response to the story. As you listen to the story, think carefully about how each pig’s decision affected their life. Writing Prompt: Write a response to literature to explain how the pig’s are different based on the decisions they make. Use examples from the story to support your opinion. Skill 1. Read the prompt and identify the writing tasks. 2. Discuss how a writer should address the writing prompt. 3. Read the text to identify how the writer addresses the prompt. 4. Explain how a writer addressed the prompt 1. In the story, The Three Little Pigs, the pigs were all different. 2. I think the first little pig wasn’t very smart. 3. The first little pig built his house out of straw. 4. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. 5. The last pig built his house out of bricks. 6. The pigs were different. May be repeated multiple times with additional samples, including current student samples This writer ______ the writing task. I know this because _________.
Skill Closure Directions: Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt. Writing Situation: You will listen to the story The Three Little Pigs and write a response to the story. As you listen to the story, think carefully about how each pig’s decision affected their life. Writing Prompt: Write a response to literature to explain how the pig’s are different based on the decisions they make. Use examples from the story to support your opinion. A 1. In the story, The Three Little Pigs, the pigs were all different. 2. I think the first little pig wasn’t very smart. 3. The first little pig built his house out of straw. 4. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. 5. The last pig built his house out of bricks. 6. The pigs were different. B 1. In the story, The Three Little Pigs, the pigs made different choices about how they built their houses. 2. The first little pig built his house out of straw. 3. This decision showed how the little pig thought playing was more important than working. 4. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. 5. His decision showed how he was more careful than the first pig, but still did not want to put in all of his effort. 6. The last little pig chose to build his house out of bricks. 7. This pig’s decision showed that he was a good planner, patient, and hard working. 8. Each pig’s decision affected their lives in different ways. May be repeated multiple times with additional samples Writer A and Writer B addressed the prompt in a different way. I know this because _______. The way the writers addressed the prompt affected their score on the rubric because ______.
Closure What did you learn about how a writer should address a prompt? I learned _______________. How do you know when a writer has clearly addressed a prompt? I know a writer has clearly addressed a prompt when _________________. Objective: I will explain how a writer addresses a prompt.
Independent Practice Read the following writing sample to explain how the writer addresses the prompt.