10 May 2017 - Objective Review for test. Bellringer –Medieval Heraldry Shield reading; take out your study guides! 3 Religions – on the back…. Draw the Medieval Social Pyramid What was the cause/effect of the Black Death North Vs. South What was the Magna Carta? Why is it important? What separates Europe from Asia? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZy6XilXDZQ Study Guide Questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xff4Z5xMMro Note card work time HW: Study! Note Card – one side – due tomorrow Test Tomorrow!
Middle Ages Study Guide Key
Check your study guide The Ural Mountains - the landform that separates Europe and Asia Eurasia - the landmass that includes Europe and Asia Monk – a religious man who lived apart from society and dedicated his life to God Pilgrim - one who journeys to a religious location Charlemagne created an empire for the Franks – crowned emperor by the pope St. Patrick - converted the Irish to Christianity Vikings - invaders from Scandinavia who attacked Europe during the 700s and 800s
Check your study guide Manor - a large estate owned by a knight or a lord Peasant - a small farmer who did not own land Serf - a worker who was tied to the land and farmed/worked for protection Fief - what knights received in exchange for their pledge of loyalty to a lord (land) Vassal - one who pledges loyalty to a lord Monk - religious men who live apart from society
Check your study guide Heraldry - designs which allowed knights to recognize each other on the battlefield Magna Carta - ”Great Charter” introduced the idea that even the king had to follow the law_ Habeas Corpus - one can not be jailed without reason Black Death - a sickness that killed a large part of the population – spread by contact with rats – from the fleas! Medieval - the Latin word for “Middle Age” Allah – “the God” in Arabic
Check your study guide Compare Northern geography to Europe to Southern Northern – flat land (plains), forests, & rivers – cooler climate Southern – mountains, seas & peninsulas – Mediterranean climate What are the three different styles of castles? Put them in “order.” Motte & Bailey Stone Keep Concentric What was heraldry used for in the Middle Ages? Why is it used today? It was used to identify knights of the battle field – today it is used to symbolize family names (pride) Draw and label the Medieval social pyramid Kings Nobles Lesser Nobles (Knights) Peasants, Serfs & Freemen Describe the Crusades & the outcome. During the Crusades, Christians fought against Muslims to gain control of the Holy Land. Ultimately, the Christians were not successful.
Check your study guide The most important result of the Crusades was…. Trade and exchange of ideas between Europe and Asia increased. Why did nobles make King John sign the Magna Carta in 1215? They wanted to limit the king’s power King had to obey some laws What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? Fundamental beliefs and practices that dictate life for Muslims What do Islam Christianity and Judaism all have in common? The belief in one god Share some of the same prophets What was the cause of the Black Death? What was the effect? It was caused by fleas – it was spread because of the trade routes & the serfs began demanding wages for their labor.
10 May 2017 ~Day 3 of Culture Exchange Bellringer – Reminder: ** YOU NEED A ROSETTA STONE** (it can count as one of your artifacts) Don’t forget to check your calendar to see due dates Today: Figure out your alphabet Agree on your culture traits – everyone write them down You will need to create a “blue print” this will help the teachers when the boxes are switched. Homework – Work on artifacts – due day 5