Unexamined and hidden assumptions Nour El-kalach 201200949
In the 1979 an article with the name ‘Columbia Journalism Review’ appeared.This article talked about how US media shah’s regime. Another Magazine on December 1979 also stated that people are agreeing but based on knowledge about the subject
Whats the shah’s Regime This is another word for ( Iranian Revolution) . refers to events involving the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States and United Kingdom, and its replacement with an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution.
The recent history of US policies toward Iran is not a tale noticeable for wise prophets, long ignored, instead of them raising there voices instead there wasn’t any sense of humility .and the voices were not heard anymore by the congress and the councils therefore the personal power of the shah to govern Iran was a misjudgment
The misunderstanding and misjudgment continued for another year, even the media seemed it find it difficult to concede that changes on countries that the US believes falls its direct sphere of authority.
Who Lost turkey Written by 1996 by Friedman Until the mid 1980 there was a political struggle By that time turkey had a dozen of political parties vying influence and power ,with a leader who is not interested in central government . In the presence of different political they were operating fiercely and there were dozens newspapers that appeared regularly
Almost without expectation it regarded the movement that overthrew the Pahlevi dynasty. The new barbarians are loose in Iran wrote Hal Gulliver in 1979 , a month later Yousef Ibrahim in the New York times the article convinced that the revolution has already failed
Jihad Moseley attack on iran was supported by a truly cosmic editorial in his paper the same day accusing Khomeini of nothing less than a holy war or which is known as JIHAD It was then when Fuzlar Rahman declared that jihad is a pillar of faith. After that muslims started calling for jihad all over the world for evidence
Satan america Satan America elected as a chief villain not just in Iran but elsewhere Islam and Iran are backward, the west is advanced and iranians are going to have a bad time keeping up.